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Punjab bans public show of firearms, songs selling weapons

3 min read

Express News Service

CHANDIGARH: Under hearth from opposition events over the regulation and order subject, the Punjab authorities on Sunday took numerous measures, together with imposing a ban on songs selling gun tradition and violence and public show of firearms.

The state authorities additionally ordered a evaluation of arm licenses inside the subsequent three months. A call has been taken to discourage the usage of arms within the state for sustaining peace and regulation and order state of affairs. An in depth letter has been issued by Principal Secretary (Home) to Punjab Director General of Police,

Police Commissioners, District Magistrates and Senior Superintendents of Police asking them to evaluation all the prevailing arm licenses within the state. It has additionally been directed that if any license had been issued to anti-social parts, previously, then it should be cancelled instantly.

Similarly, it has additionally been ordered that no new license needs to be issued typically within the coming three months including that license needs to be issued solely the place it’s genuinely required.

It has been directed {that a} full ban needs to be imposed on the songs eulogising gun tradition.

Likewise ban should be imposed on carrying and show of weapons in public gatherings, spiritual locations, weddings, events and different.

In the identical method, the officers have been directed to organise particular and shock checking within the areas below their respective jurisdiction. The officers have been directed that nobody needs to be spared who’s invoiced in hate speeches aimed toward disrupting the peace and tranquillity.

In the previous, just a few Punjabi singers have been accused of selling gun tradition and glorifying violence by means of their music movies.

CHANDIGARH: Under hearth from opposition events over the regulation and order subject, the Punjab authorities on Sunday took numerous measures, together with imposing a ban on songs selling gun tradition and violence and public show of firearms.

The state authorities additionally ordered a evaluation of arm licenses inside the subsequent three months. A call has been taken to discourage the usage of arms within the state for sustaining peace and regulation and order state of affairs. An in depth letter has been issued by Principal Secretary (Home) to Punjab Director General of Police,

Police Commissioners, District Magistrates and Senior Superintendents of Police asking them to evaluation all the prevailing arm licenses within the state. It has additionally been directed that if any license had been issued to anti-social parts, previously, then it should be cancelled instantly.

Similarly, it has additionally been ordered that no new license needs to be issued typically within the coming three months including that license needs to be issued solely the place it’s genuinely required.

It has been directed {that a} full ban needs to be imposed on the songs eulogising gun tradition.

Likewise ban should be imposed on carrying and show of weapons in public gatherings, spiritual locations, weddings, events and different.

In the identical method, the officers have been directed to organise particular and shock checking within the areas below their respective jurisdiction. The officers have been directed that nobody needs to be spared who’s invoiced in hate speeches aimed toward disrupting the peace and tranquillity.

In the previous, just a few Punjabi singers have been accused of selling gun tradition and glorifying violence by means of their music movies.