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Modi senses ‘silent’ ballot marketing campaign by Cong in Gujarat, sounds out BJP cadres

4 min read


ANAND: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday warned Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) staff in opposition to the Congress’s “silent” campaigning in Gujarat and mentioned the ruling BJP must barely modify its ballot technique to counter what he termed “conspiracy” of the opposition get together.

Modi, on a three-day go to to his house state, mentioned the Congress has this time seems to have modified its technique in Gujarat, the place Assembly polls are due within the subsequent few months.

“I need to warn you because it appears to me that this time the Congress has adopted a new strategy. I have not probed, but that is what appears to me at first glance,” he mentioned, addressing a BJP rally at Vallabh Vidyanagar in Anand district.

He mentioned in earlier Assembly elections, the Congress used to make numerous noise and boast about “finishing” the BJP, which is ruling the state for greater than 20 years.

“But we did not fall (got defeated) in 20 years, so they have done something new, which is why we need to remain alert,” mentioned Modi, who beforehand served as Chief Minister of Gujarat for 13 years.

The Prime Minister mentioned the Congress, as soon as a dominant political drive in Gujarat, will not be saying something overtly, however working “silently” by going to villages and adopting its previous “manipulative” methods.

“Therefore, don’t be confused because they are not appearing in the press, nor conducting any press conferences or making speeches. Beware. The Congress is trying to infiltrate with a new strategy. It does not speak, but is reaching out to villages, holding meetings,” Modi mentioned.

He mentioned BJP staff wanted to stay alert and counter this new technique of the principle Opposition get together.

The BJP’s star campaigner maintained the nation’s oldest political get together remains to be leaving no likelihood “to insult Gujarat”.

“It has adopted a new strategy, to spread poison in villages, telling people by interpreting things differently,” he mentioned on the rally on the second day of his go to to Gujarat.

He requested BJP cadres to achieve out to voters and do door-to-door canvassing for the upcoming polls.

“We will have to understand this well and add a few new aspects to our strategy. I am sure BJP workers under the leadership of CR Paatil (Gujarat unit president) will tackle any crisis. We have to defeat the Congress’s conspiracy by going door to door (of voters),” Modi mentioned.

ANAND: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday warned Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) staff in opposition to the Congress’s “silent” campaigning in Gujarat and mentioned the ruling BJP must barely modify its ballot technique to counter what he termed “conspiracy” of the opposition get together.

Modi, on a three-day go to to his house state, mentioned the Congress has this time seems to have modified its technique in Gujarat, the place Assembly polls are due within the subsequent few months.

“I need to warn you because it appears to me that this time the Congress has adopted a new strategy. I have not probed, but that is what appears to me at first glance,” he mentioned, addressing a BJP rally at Vallabh Vidyanagar in Anand district.

He mentioned in earlier Assembly elections, the Congress used to make numerous noise and boast about “finishing” the BJP, which is ruling the state for greater than 20 years.

“But we did not fall (got defeated) in 20 years, so they have done something new, which is why we need to remain alert,” mentioned Modi, who beforehand served as Chief Minister of Gujarat for 13 years.

The Prime Minister mentioned the Congress, as soon as a dominant political drive in Gujarat, will not be saying something overtly, however working “silently” by going to villages and adopting its previous “manipulative” methods.

“Therefore, don’t be confused because they are not appearing in the press, nor conducting any press conferences or making speeches. Beware. The Congress is trying to infiltrate with a new strategy. It does not speak, but is reaching out to villages, holding meetings,” Modi mentioned.

He mentioned BJP staff wanted to stay alert and counter this new technique of the principle Opposition get together.

The BJP’s star campaigner maintained the nation’s oldest political get together remains to be leaving no likelihood “to insult Gujarat”.

“It has adopted a new strategy, to spread poison in villages, telling people by interpreting things differently,” he mentioned on the rally on the second day of his go to to Gujarat.

He requested BJP cadres to achieve out to voters and do door-to-door canvassing for the upcoming polls.

“We will have to understand this well and add a few new aspects to our strategy. I am sure BJP workers under the leadership of CR Paatil (Gujarat unit president) will tackle any crisis. We have to defeat the Congress’s conspiracy by going door to door (of voters),” Modi mentioned.