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In Sri Lanka rerun, Iraq protestors storm presidential palace, take dip in pool

2 min read

After the announcement by Iraq’s influential Shi’ite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to give up politics, his supporters took to the streets in protest.

Protests contained in the Republican Palace ensued after Sadr introduced to step down from politics. (Reuters)

HIGHLIGHTSProtestors stormed the Republican Palace in Baghdad.As per information company AFP, not lower than eight protestors have died within the clashes in Baghdad.Protests erupted after Shi’ite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr introduced that he would give up politics

Two months after the unprecedented Sri Lankan political turmoil whereby hundreds of protestors stormed the presidential palace in Colombo, related sights have been seen in Baghdad metropolis in Iraq. Following the announcement by Iraq’s influential Shi’ite Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to give up politics, his supporters took to the streets in protest and skirmishes between the rival-backed teams and his loyalists ensued.

As per information company AFP, not lower than eight protestors have died within the clashes in Baghdad and safety forces resorted to tear gasoline to disperse an indignant crowd.

In movies that are being extensively circulated, protestors might be seen storming the presidential palace, akin to visuals from Sri Lanka after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s ouster from workplace and exit from the island nation.

At a time when Iraq is witnessing a political impasse, Sadr’s supporters or his rivals’ supporters have been seen availing luxuries on the president’s residence.

Reports recommend that pictures have been fired by weapons and weapons whereas Sadr’s supporters and Tehran-backed models hurled stones at one another. The incident happened in Baghdad’s Green Zone, an space the place ministries and embassies are located. The Iraqi navy imposed a curfew at 3:30 pm and urged protestors to vacate the Zone.

The nation is reeling beneath a political impasse since Sadr’s social gathering secured the most important majority in October parliamentary elections however didn’t safe sufficient seats to kind a authorities. The ballot outcomes have been adopted by his refusal to kind a coalition authorities along with his rivals, together with the Iran-back Shi’ite. Now, his choice to give up politics has triggered uncertainty for a rustic of greater than 4 crore inhabitants.

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