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How Pak diplomat tried to concoct tales to launch terror strike close to Parliament?

2 min read

During a TV programme on HUM News aired on December 23 final 12 months, former Pakistani diplomat Zafar Hilaly determined to concoct fictional tales concerning the presence of ‘terror camps’ in India and urged the Pakistani Army to carried out strikes at one such supposed camp, barely at a distance of 10 km from the Indian Parliament. The anchor, Amir Zia, stated that the Indian narrative of attacking Pakistani militant camps in the course of the Balakot airstrike of 2019 discovered acceptance worldwide and requested Pakistan might do to strengthen its narrative.
Zafar Hilaly responded, “We don’t need to say anything. We have given them (Indian government) a dossier which clearly states that MQM terrorists, TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) and BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) terrorists are trained in several parts of India, including Delhi. So, whenever India puts forward this narrative, we must seek permission from our friendly nations to conducted such strikes on these ‘terror camps’ in India. One such camp is located just 10km away from the Indian Parliament. That’s about it.”

(Video Courtesy: Youtube/HUM News)By concocting imaginary tales of terror outfits working from India, the previous Pakistani diplomat maybe tried to pre-emptively justify forthcoming plans of the Pakistani Army institution to interact in cross-border terrorism and even goal the Indian Parliament below the pretext of taking out so-called terror camps in India.
The Pakistani military and its stooges within the state-controlled media should not new to peddling lies and presenting them as information. While doing so, they usually run the danger of exposing their nefarious designs, of future terror assaults in India, to the world as has been the case with Zafar Hilaly.
Pakistani hand in 2001 Parliament assaults
On the thirteenth of December, 2001, one of the vital lethal terrorist assaults on Indian soil and positively the best assault on our democratic system was perpetrated. 20 years in the past, our Parliament was attacked by Islamic terrorists linked to Pakistani terror outfits and 6 policemen and two Parliament Security Service personnel had been martyred on that fateful day. Our democratic system has suffered and overcome many horrible affronts however the Parliament assault of 2001 stays one of many darkest spots in our nation’s historical past.
The then Home Minister, LK Advani remarked, “It is now evident that the terrorist assault on the Parliament House was executed jointly by Pakistan-based and supported terrorist outfits, namely, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad. These two organisations are known to derive their support and patronage from Pak ISI. The investigation so far carried out by the police shows that all the five terrorists who formed the suicide squad were Pakistani nationals. All of them were killed on the spot and their Indian associates have since been nabbed and arrested.”