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UK PM Boris Johnson to face no-confidence vote over partygate scandal

2 min read

UK’s embattled Prime Minister Boris Johnson will face a vote of confidence in his management of the Conservative Party, the chair of the social gathering’s backbench committee introduced on Monday, days after extra particulars of the partygate scandal emerged.

Sir Graham Brady, who’s in-charge of collating the letters of no-confidence obtained by the 1922 Committee, mentioned the edge of 15 per cent of the Tory parliamentary social gathering, or 54 MPs, searching for such a vote has been met and it’ll place on Monday night within the House of Commons.

“The threshold of 15 per cent of the parliamentary party seeking a vote of confidence in the leader of the Conservative Party has been exceeded,” Brady mentioned in an announcement.

“In accordance with the rules, a ballot will be held between 18:00 and 20:00 (local time) today Monday June 6 – details to be confirmed. The votes will be counted immediately afterwards. An announcement will be made at a time to be advised. Arrangements for the anno will be released later today,” he mentioned.

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According to analysts, Johnson, 57, seems more likely to win such a vote however it’ll ship a blow to his management.
More than 40 Tory MPs had publicly known as for Johnson’s resignation as social gathering chief over scandal of COVID law-breaking events – dubbed partygate – beneath his premiership at Downing Street, a problem which stays within the highlight because the scathing findings of management failures in an inquiry by prime civil servant Sue Gray.

The report, launched after a Scotland Yard probe which noticed Johnson and spouse Carrie being fined for a lockdown-breaching celebration within the Cabinet Room of Downing Street in June 2020, laid naked events and misconduct inside authorities places of work through the 2020-2021 lockdowns to regulate the unfold of coronavirus.

Johnson returned to Parliament to reiterate a earlier apology, saying he took full duty for what went on beneath his watch. However, moreover the Opposition, there have been rising requires him to step down.