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Hyderpora encounter: Despite courtroom order, physique not exhumed from Handwara graveyard, alleges kin of slain youth

2 min read

Express News Service

SRINAGAR:  Even every week after Jammu and Kashmir High Court order, the administration has not but exhumed the physique of slain Ramban youth Amir Magray handy it over to the household for burial, stated his household and lawyer, who’re considering additional authorized motion. 

Amir was amongst 4 individuals killed within the November 15, 2021 encounter within the Hyderpora space of Srinagar. 

Amir’s father Mohammad Latief Magray stated the administration has not up to now applied the May 27 High Court order, which had ordered the exhumation of his son’s physique from a Wadder Payeen graveyard in Handwara in north Kashmir, about 100 km from Srinagar.

ALSO READ: Family of youth killed in Hyderpora encounter strikes HC to hunt return of son’s physique

According to police, a Pakistani militant Haider Bhai, his affiliate Amir (from Ramban), OGW Dr Mudasir Gul and businessman Altaf Bhat have been killed within the encounter. Police buried the our bodies of all 4 in a graveyard in Handwara however the our bodies of Srinagar residents Altaf and Dr Mudasir have been later exhumed and handed over to their households for burial.

Latief stated they obtained justice from the courtroom after six months however now the administration is delaying handing over the physique to them for correct burial.

“I have submitted the copy of the court order in the office of Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir and Deputy Commissioner Ramban a few days back.  However, there has been no response from their side so far,” he stated.

On May 27, J&Ok High Court ordered the exhumation of Amir’s physique of Amir and directed authorities to make acceptable preparations for transportation of the lifeless physique to his native village for burial in his native graveyard in accordance with the traditions, non secular obligations and non secular religion.  It additionally ordered J&Ok authorities to pay Rs 5 lakh to Amir’s household if the physique is very putrefied and never in deliverable state.

Latief stated if Amir’s physique will not be handed over to them within the subsequent few days, then they might contemplate additional authorized motion.

Latief’s counsel Deepika Rajawat stated there is no such thing as a logic for the federal government to not exhume the physique and hand it over to his household as the federal government has not filed any enchantment. 

“There is a court order asking the government to exhume the body and hand it over to the family as soon as possible. They should have done it by now. They should have shown respect to the court order,” she stated.

Rajawat stated the administration is forcing them to go for contempt proceedings. “It is the measure available with us and we will definitely exhaust it if the body is not exhumed and handed over to the family”.