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Joe Biden reacts to Texas faculty taking pictures: ‘When in God’s identify are we going to face as much as the gun foyer?’

2 min read

Authorities mentioned an 18-year-old gunman opened hearth at an elementary faculty in south Texas, about 130 km west of San Antonio earlier than he apparently was killed by cops.

“I hoped when I became president I would not have to do this, again,” a visibly shaken Biden mentioned, decrying the dying of “beautiful, innocent” second, third and fourth graders in “another massacre.”

Their dad and mom “will never see their child again, never have them jump in bed and cuddle with them,” he mentioned.

“As a nation, we have to ask, ‘When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?’”

“We have to act,” he mentioned and steered reinstating the assault weapons ban and different “common-sense gun laws.”

“I am sick and tired of it. We have to act,” President Biden says of mass shootings as he requires gun reform whereas addressing the nation after Tuesday’s mass taking pictures at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

18 youngsters and one grownup have been killed.

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) May 25, 2022

The taking pictures palms Biden, already going through the bottom approval rankings of his presidency, one other disaster on high of 40-year excessive inflation charges and the struggle in Ukraine.

A mass taking pictures in a Buffalo, New York, grocery retailer 10 days in the past elevated strain from backers of harder gun legal guidelines for the Biden administration to make good its vow to crack down on gun violence.

When he ran for the White House, Biden promised to push gun security measures and scale back the nation’s tens of hundreds of annual gun deaths. Biden and his fellow Democrats have didn’t get sufficient votes in Congress for background checks for gun purchases or different proposed payments.

The United States is essentially the most closely armed society on the earth, in line with the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey, a analysis group. Small, rural states the place gun possession is widespread have disproportionate affect within the US Senate, the place a supermajority of 60 votes is required to advance most laws within the 100-seat chamber.

A lady cries as she leaves the Uvalde Civic Center on May 24, 2022.  (AP)

Biden was briefed in regards to the taking pictures aboard Air Force One as he returned from a visit to Asia, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre mentioned on Twitter. He known as Texas Governor Greg Abbott to supply any help wanted.

“His prayers are with the families impacted by this awful event,” Jean-Pierre mentioned.

In a proclamation issued earlier than he landed, Biden ordered the flags on the White House and at U.S. federal and public buildings to be flown at half-staff till sundown on May 28.