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External Affairs Ministry condemns US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s go to to Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir

1 min read


NEW DELHI: India on Thursday condemned the go to of US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), saying her journey to the area violated the nation’s sovereignty and it mirrored her “narrow-minded” politics.

At a media briefing, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi criticised Omar for visiting the PoK. The US Congresswoman, who’s a Democrat, is at the moment on a four-day go to to Pakistan. “We have noted that US representative Ilhan Omar has visited a part of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir that is currently illegally occupied by Pakistan,” he stated.

“If such a politician wishes to practice her narrow-minded politics at home, that may be her business. But violating our territorial integrity and sovereignty in its pursuit makes it ours. This visit is condemnable,” Bagchi added.

He was requested to touch upon Omar’s go to to PoK. She is the primary American lawmaker to go to Pakistan after the ouster of Imran Khan as prime minister of the nation. To one other question on current terror assaults in Afghanistan, the spokesperson stated India has been trying on the developments in that nation.

“We have seen some of the terrorist attacks. We have always been forthright in our condemnation of terrorist attacks. We are looking at what has been the developments there. But let me emphasise that we certainly condemn all terrorist attacks,” Bagchi stated.