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Sonia Gandhi denies Shashi Tharoor nod to talk at CPM get together congress

2 min read

By Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Congress president Sonia Gandhi has denied MP Shashi Tharoor and former Union minister Ok V Thomas permission to deal with a seminar to be held as a part of the CPM get together congress in Kannur subsequent month. She reportedly requested Tharoor to obey the state unit’s route. State Congress president Ok Sudhakaran had earlier requested the get together leaders to not attend the occasion.

In a message issued on Monday night, Tharoor stated he revered Sonia’s views on the matter and conveyed to the organisers his incapability to take part. While Ok V Thomas stated he revered the get together’s determination, Tharoor didn’t disguise his displeasure over Sudhakaran’s open statements.

“I regret that some preferred the unseemly public airing of internal differences, thereby creating a needless controversy in a matter in which AICC’s view was binding. I hope wisdom will prevail in future,” Tharoor stated. 

Denial of likelihood: Tharoor sad

Though he has accepted Sonia’s route, Tharoor stated sure issues have to be addressed individually. They had been the broader questions in regards to the Congress get together’s relations with the CPM on the nationwide stage, centre-state relations and the way wherein invites from different political events are to be dealt with.

Tharoor was invited by the CPM to talk on centre-state relations. Another former Union minister Mani Shankar Aiyar too had acquired an invite. Sudhakaran had banned all Kerala leaders from attending the seminar in view of the get together’s opposition to the LDF authorities’s SilverLine undertaking. He had stated Tharoor may attend the occasion if he acquired permission from Sonia.