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China’s Xi requires ‘all-out’ efforts to search out Eastern Airlines crash survivors

1 min read

Chinese President Xi Jinping, on Monday, known as for an all-out effort by officers to organise search and rescue for survivors of the Eastern Airlines jet crash that had 133 passengers on board.

A China Eastern Airlines plane carrying 133 passengers crashed in Guangxi area in China on Monday. (Photo: Twitter/Screengrab)

Chinese President Xi Jinping known as for “all-out” efforts to organise search and rescue for passengers on the Eastern Airlines jet crash on Monday, state tv reported.

Expressing “shock” at listening to the information of the crash, Xi instructed officers to launch an emergency response instantly and to research the reason for the crash as quickly as potential, in keeping with state tv CCTV.

China’s Premier Li Keqiang additionally instructed officers to spare no effort in looking for survivors and to offer enough consolation to the victims’ households, in keeping with CCTV.

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