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Uttar Pradesh Congress chief Ajay Kumar Lallu resigns

2 min read


LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Congress chief Ajay Kumar Lallu on Tuesday resigned from his put up after taking ethical accountability for the social gathering’s humiliating defeat within the state meeting polls.

The transfer comes after Congress president Sonia Gandhi requested the chiefs of its Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur models to resign amid continued rumblings within the social gathering following its abject loss within the meeting elections in these states.

“I Ajay Kumar Lallu, President, Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee want to apprise that the assembly elections have been held in the state in the last few days and all UPCC office bearers worked hard with devotion and took the organisation at village level. We fought against the wrong policies of the government from time to time,” Lallu mentioned in a letter to Sonia Gandhi.

“But we had to face unexpected defeat in this election. Taking moral responsibility for this defeat, I am resigning from the responsibility of the president post,” he mentioned.

Lallu, who misplaced from Tamkuhi Raj seat, mentioned he’ll work with full devotion for the social gathering.

“Trusting a common worker like me, you all made me the President of Uttar Pradesh Congress, for this I will be grateful throughout my life, I will always work with full devotion for the party,” the letter said.

Earlier within the day, the Congress held a gathering in Delhi to overview its poor efficiency within the Uttar Pradesh meeting polls, establish shortcomings and chalk out future plans for the politically-crucial state.

AICC basic secretary in-charge of Uttar Pradesh Priyanka Gandhi Vadra chaired the assembly which was attended by the social gathering’s high state leaders.

The assembly got here two days after Vadra introduced her report concerning the social gathering’s drubbing within the polls at a gathering of the Congress Working Committee chaired by Sonia Gandhi. The Congress had received solely two out of 403 seats in Uttar Pradesh, and obtained a vote share of two.33 per cent.