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EVM News: It is inconceivable to alter EVM after going to the robust room, know what the foundations of the Election Commission say

3 min read

Lucknow: Hours earlier than the counting of votes for the Uttar Pradesh elections, the Samajwadi Party (SP) and different political events have accused the BJP-led Uttar Pradesh authorities of rigging the counting of votes. SP Chief Akhilesh Yadav tweeted and stated that EVMs have been caught in Varanasi. BJP has additionally retaliated on Akhilesh’s allegations. But within the midst of all this it turns into essential to know whether or not the EVM saved within the robust room after voting could be hacked? Can EVMs and Control Units utilized in voting be taken out of the robust room and brought elsewhere? The tips of the Election Commission on this regard are clear. Also, on this period of 24-hour CCTV monitoring, no officer can work past these directions.

First know, what’s the complete matter?
In truth, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav alleged that EVM machines have been caught in Varanasi. He stated within the press convention that what’s the cause that EVM machines are being transported with out safety. You can’t transfer EVMs from one place to a different with out the information of the candidate. After all, why have been EVM machines not accompanying the safety forces? Akhilesh accused the EVMs of tampering and requested the employees to watch it. Akhilesh stated that the election of Uttar Pradesh is the final battle of democracy. After this individuals must revolutionize then solely change will come.

Akhilesh Yadav: EVM is the explanation or one thing… Why is Akhilesh Yadav’s perspective so robust earlier than the UP election outcomes?
Akhilesh accuses DM of Banaras
Akhilesh additionally accused Banaras District Magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma of dishonesty and stated, ‘I do know him very effectively.’ The Samajwadi Party has demanded set up of jammers exterior the counting facilities. Along with this, there have been experiences of EVMs and poll papers being caught from many different districts. In Bareilly, there was a variety of ruckus after the information of the poll paper within the rubbish field. SP candidate Ataur Rehman accused the administration of rigging. He stated that later the administration confirmed us the field by opening it. It contained unused poll papers. SDM Sadar, Bareilly Dharmendra Kumar stated that the poll papers have been being carried within the rubbish cart. All the social gathering individuals have been referred to as and proven it. Everyone has gone glad.

UP Chunav: EVM is in dialogue once more, BJP is the primary social gathering, which stated – Electronic Voting Machine is just not dependable
Now tell us what the foundations of the Election Commission say concerning the security and upkeep of EVMs-

1- Observers from different states
2- Responsibility of safety within the arms of paramilitary drive as an alternative of state police
3- Arrangement of CCTV cameras within the robust room and monitoring it 24 hours.
4- Sealing of strongroom within the presence of all social gathering candidates
5- Restriction on the Returning Officer (SDM) additionally going to the robust room
6- Arrangement to maintain the important thing of the robust room in double lock (treasury)
7- The key to this treasury must also be saved within the custody of two gazetted officers.

‘Whoever doesn’t know concerning the SOP associated to EVM, he’ll speak baseless’
Apart from this, the variety of all EVMs is displayed on-line. The listing of EVMs with sales space smart numbers is given to all of the social gathering candidates upfront. An official related to the election course of informed NBT Online, “It takes a number of dozen staff and officers to take away EVMs from the robust room and change them with different EVMs. Those who should not conscious of this complete mechanism and SOP can simply speak baseless about altering EVMs.