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China to offer Ukraine humanitarian support, praises Russia ties

2 min read

China’s Red Cross will present humanitarian support to Ukraine “as soon as possible”, Foreign Minister Wang Yi mentioned on Monday, as he praised his nation’s friendship with Russia as “rock solid”.

China has refused to sentence Russia’s assault on Ukraine or name it an invasion whereas asking Western nations to respect Russia’s “legitimate security concerns.”

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Wang mentioned the causes of the “Ukraine situation” had been “complex” and had not occurred in a single day, noting, utilizing a conventional Chinese expression, that “three feet of ice does not form in a single day”.

“Solving complex problems requires calmness and rationality, rather than adding fuel to the fire and intensifying contradictions,” he informed a information convention on the sidelines of the annual assembly of China’s parliament.

China has already completed “some work” to advertise peace talks and has all alongside been in touch with all sides, he added.

“China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in pushing for peace and promoting talks, and is willing to work with the international community to carry out necessary mediation when needed.”

China is prepared to proceed to make its personal efforts to resolve the humanitarian disaster and the nation’s Red Cross will “as soon as possible” present a batch of support to Ukraine, Wang mentioned, with out giving particulars. It was the primary time the nation has introduced such assist.

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China proposes that “humanitarian action” should abide by the rules of neutrality and impartiality, and humanitarian points shouldn’t be politicised, he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin met Chinese President Xi Jinping hours earlier than the beginning of final month’s Winter Olympics in Beijing and so they signed a wide-ranging strategic partnership geared toward countering U.S. affect and mentioned they’d have “no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation”.

Wang mentioned the friendship between China and Russia was “rock solid” and prospects for cooperation brilliant.

“No matter how sinister the international situation is, both China and Russia will maintain their strategic determination and continuously push forward the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era.”