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BJP unlikely to take motion towards Kerala leaders for CPM nexus, hints state chief

4 min read

Express News Service

KASARAGOD: BJP state president Ok Surendran hinted that there is not going to be any motion towards leaders who allegedly orchestrated an alliance with the CPM in Kumbla gram panchayat, whilst a piece of social gathering employees upped the ante towards the management on Thursday.

“We have already taken action,” Surendran advised The New Indian Express over the cellphone on Thursday.
When requested if there will likely be any motion towards social gathering leaders similar to state secretary Ok Shreekanth, he mentioned: “Why! The party has not decided anything on that,” he mentioned.

On Sunday, social gathering employees rocked the BJP demanding motion towards leaders who orchestrated an alliance with the CPM in Kumbla panchayat. They locked the social gathering’s district headquarters and staged a protest in entrance of the workplace demanding disciplinary motion towards Shreekanth, social gathering North Zone basic secretary P Sureshkumar Shetty and the previous Manjeshwar mandalam president Ok Manikandan Rai. They additionally demanded that the BJP members of Kumbla panchayat ought to resign from the standing committees fashioned with the assistance of the CPM.

On Wednesday, the social gathering’s district president Ravish Tantri Kuntar directed all of the 9 members of the BJP to resign from the standing committees in Kumbla panchayat, thereby assembly one demand of the social gathering employees.

BJP state president Surendran hinted that there wouldn’t be any additional disciplinary motion on the difficulty.
Leader of the insurgent faction and Kasaragod municipal councillor P Ramesh for the primary time got here out within the open and alleged that Surendran was not taking motion towards the nexus with the CPM as a result of the leaders could also be holding him to a ransom. 

“We suspect they (the three leaders) are blackmailing him. That’s why he is not taking action against them,” he mentioned.

BJP state president Surendran mentioned the allegation didn’t deserve a reply.

In a press convention held on Thursday, Ramesh reiterated the allegation that Shreekanth, Shetty, and Rai struck an alliance with the CPM in Kumbla panchayat, which paved means for CPM member S Koggu, who was convicted of killing BJP employee Vinu Koipady, turn out to be the chairman of the Standing Committee for Welfare. The determination was towards the social gathering’s round that there needs to be no alliance with the LDF or the UDF, mentioned BJP Kasaragod mandalam president Ok Shankara, who was additionally within the press convention. “It was also a betrayal of the families of martyrs. The leaders should end their capricious way of leading the party,” he mentioned.

Vinu’s uncle Vinod Ok and Naveenaksha, the eldest son of Dayananda, one other BJP employee who was killed allegedly by CPM employees, have been additionally current within the press convention.
Ramesh, who just lately resigned because the BJP district vice-present over this subject, mentioned they known as the press convention as a result of they obtained a sense that the social gathering may not take disciplinary motion towards the leaders.

He mentioned he introduced the difficulty earlier than the discover of Surendran, a day earlier than Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath got here to Kasaragod for campaigning in February 2021.
On March 27, Ramesh mentioned, Surendran advised him that the error dedicated by the leaders in putting an alliance with the CPM couldn’t be condoned. “He (Surendran) said they should suffer the consequences,” Ramesh mentioned.

Surendran mentioned the BJP’s core committee will take motion on April 7, a day after polling, and the choice can be offered earlier than the state committee for ratification on April 9, he mentioned. “But no action was taken. Our trust has been shattered and we were forced to launch a public protest. Our actions are only to strengthen the party,” he mentioned.

Ramesh alleged that Shreekanth had a truck with the CPM earlier, too. When the Thekkil-Alatty street was being widened, a CPM MLA conspired to grab the BJP’s land at Kuttikol, the place the social gathering deliberate to construct a sales space committee workplace, Ramesh mentioned. “Though there was enough government land on the other side of the road, the alignment was drawn in such a way that the BJP would lose its plot. Instead of resisting the machination, Shreekanth sided with the CPM and BJO lost its plot,” he mentioned.

The management admitted they erred in permitting a nexus with the CPM in Kumbla once they requested the panchayat members to resign from the standing committees, he mentioned. “So if a mistake was committed, there should be repercussions too,” he mentioned.

Shreekanth, who’s within the thick of the allegations, snubbed the press convention of the insurgent leaders by posting on Facebook a cartoon with the caption ‘the genie is out of the pot’. Ramesh hit again saying: “I was always in the forefront of the protest and with the party workers. His genie will come out when allegations of financial corruption will come out in the open soon,” he mentioned.