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Collector Shri Jai Prakash Maurya gave directions to usna millers of the district to get an early contract

2 min read

In the Kharif advertising yr 2020-21, paddy is being bought at help worth by means of 89 procurement facilities of 74 cooperative societies of the district. So far, two lakh 70 thousand metric tonnes of paddy price Rs 5 billion 7 crore have been procured from 87 thousand 531 registered farmers. Under this, two billion 70 crore 50 lakh rupees have been paid up to now within the accounts of farmers. Food Officer Shri BK Korram mentioned that farmers whose fee of December 1 was stopped resulting from technical issues within the Public Finance Management System, have been resolved and funds have been added to their accounts. It is noteworthy that 4 lakh 80 thousand 608 metric tonnes of paddy has been contracted with 183 registered rice millers of the district, in opposition to which as much as 50 thousand metric tonnes of paddy has been lifted by the millers. Collector Shri Jai Prakash Maurya has instructed the Usna Millers of the district to take up the paddy from the paddy procurement facilities by contracting quickly, in order that the paddy buy within the procurement facilities can proceed in a scientific method.
Food officer knowledgeable that DO has obtained DO of eight thousand metric tons at Bhatagaon and Bhoyana, the gathering facilities of the district. Paddy is being transported constantly by issuing. Against the acquisition of an estimated 4 lakh 40 thousand metric tonnes of paddy within the district, 22 thousand bales of gunny luggage can be required. According to this, 17 thousand 4 hundred bastions can be found in Bardane district. Frequent gunny luggage are being obtained from millers and truthful worth retailers. He additionally knowledgeable that there are enough gunny luggage within the procurement facilities of the district.