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Open Society funded institute suggests Open Society functionary for Nobel prize

3 min read

Every yr, the administrators of Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) shortlist individuals from world wide that they deem match to obtain the Nobel Prize. Though their record has nothing to do with the precise record of laureates that obtain the prize, they’ve been doing it since 2002. According to PRIO’s web site, their record is broadly lined by the worldwide media. This yr, PRIO’s director Henrik Urdal, who has been on the publish since 2017, named Harsh Mander as one of many 5 shortlisted candidates that he thinks can be the very best match to obtain the Nobel Prize.
Source: PRIO
According to the director’s observe on PRIO’s web site, Mander’s marketing campaign of Karwan-e-Mohabbat (“Caravan of Love”) that was launched in 2017 has been considerably contributing to the battle towards non secular extremism. The observe reads, “Under Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist administration, the situation for Muslims in India has become increasingly difficult, and the country has seen numerous incidents of religiously motivated violence. Responding to this violence, author, activist and director of the Center for Equity Studies in New Delhi, Harsh Mander, launched Karwan-e-Mohabbat, a campaign supporting and showing solidarity with the victims of hate crimes.”
He additional referred to as Mander “an important voice for religious tolerance and dialogue, and his campaign an important rallying point for those who oppose interreligious conflict and violence.” Interestingly, in response to Urdal, Alt News’s Mohammed Zubair and Pratik Sinha are additionally worthy candidates for a prize centered on “combating religious extremism and intolerance in India” as they’ve contributed considerably “to debunking misinformation aimed at vilifying Muslims in India.”
PRIO’s hyperlinks to Open Society Foundation
According to PRIO’s annual reviews, George Soros’s Open Society Foundation has funded PRIO for 2 consecutive years are 2019 and 2020. Under the part Sources of Income for these two years, PRIO has listed Open Society Foundation as a donor.
PRIO has listed Open Society Foundation as a donor within the annual report for 2019.
The description of the record reads, “This list is sorted by size of income and includes all those exceeding 50,000 NOK per year.” That means PRIO received a minimum of USD 5,600 from the Open Society Foundation in 2019 and 2020. The annual report of 2021 is but to be revealed by PRIO.
PRIO has listed Open Society Foundation as a donor within the annual report for 2020.
On Soros’s web site, PRIO has been listed as one of many beneficiaries of the Soros grant. As per the information, PRIO has obtained $1,40,000 in 2017 for a two-year-term.
PRIO has obtained $1,40,000 as per Soros’s web site.
Harsh Mander’s connection to Open Society Foundation
Harsh Mander, who has been listed as one of many deserving candidates for the Nobel Prize by PRIO’s director, has been related to the Open Society Foundation. He has served as an Advisory Board member of the worldwide grantmaking community based by George Soros. His position in instigating the Anti-Hindu Delhi riots, notably the violence across the Jamia Millia Islamia campus in December 2019, has been below scrutiny for a while now. Ironically, he had later filed a PIL within the Delhi High Court in search of the arrest of BJP leaders Anurag Thakur and Kapil Mishra for instigating violence.
Notably, George Soros has been fueling a harmful anti-India narrative utilizing media and ‘civil society. The Hungarian-American businessman and a self-proclaimed philanthropist who had vowed to ‘fight nationalists’ and conservative governments worldwide, which he typically refers to as ‘authoritarian governments’. During the course of his life, if there may be one factor George Soros has hated essentially the most, it’s India and its nationalist authorities led by Prime Minister Modi.
Can PRIO nominate anybody for Nobel?
PRIO is a Peace Research Institute. As per the rules laid down by the Nobel Committee, the director of PRIO is eligible to appoint anybody for the prize. However, in response to PRIO’s web site, PRIO’s director doesn’t nominate anybody for the prize due to his energetic position as a commentator on the Peace Prize. It additional reads, “Neither the Director nor the Institute he leads, have any form of association with the Nobel Institute or the Norwegian Nobel Committee.”