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Madagascar’s minister swims for 12 hours to achieve shore after copter crash 

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Madagascar’s police minister and an air power mechanic succeeded in swimming for 12 hours to security after their helicopter crashed within the Indian Ocean.

Gen. Serge Gellé, 57, the Secretary of State for the Gendarmerie, was found within the water by a fisherman in a canoe who introduced him to shore, based on officers.Another passenger, Chief Warrant Officer Jimmy Laitsara, additionally swam to the seaside at Mahambo.C’est avec une profonde tristesse que j’ai appris le naufrage d’un navire au massive d’Antsiraka et son horrible bilan. Mes pensées vont aux victimes et à leurs proches endeuillés.Je prie solennellement pour le repos de leurs âmes.— Andry Rajoelina (@SE_Rajoelina) December 21, 2021
“My turn to die has not yet come, thank God. I’m well. I’m just cold,” mentioned Gelle in a video posted to Twitter by Madagascar’s protection ministry. “But I’m sad because I don’t know if my friends are alive.”Gelle appeared on a lounge chair, nonetheless in his navy camouflage, his palms pale and wrinkled by the water and the chilly.“There were four of us in the aircraft. I was seated behind the pilot,” he mentioned of the Monday night crash.“Not having a life jacket, I unfastened the seat and used it as a buoy. I stayed calm and took off anything heavy I was carrying like my boots and belt. I did everything to stay alive,” he mentioned. Gelle mentioned he anticipated to be again at work in 24 hours and mentioned that he misplaced his cellular phone within the crash.ALSO READ: Man swims with dolphin within the sea. You will love this viral videoOn Wednesday afternoon, rescue staff recovered the physique of Col. Olivier Andrianambinina, director of safety for the prime minister. The pilot stays lacking.Many in Madagascar applauded Gelle’s feat, calling him a “hero” an “extraordinary athlete,” and “an example to follow” on social media.The explanation for the helicopter crash “remains undetermined,” authorities mentioned. Gelle mentioned that gusts of wind had destabilized the plane. The helicopter pilot and one other passenger are nonetheless lacking.The helicopter was considered one of two flying a authorities delegation to view the location the place a ship, the Francia, sank, drowning at the very least 83 folks on board.ALSO READ: Mihir Sen, the person who swam oceans of 5 continents in a single 12 months: All about India’s first lengthy distance swimmerOn Wednesday extra our bodies have been recovered off the island of Sainte-Marie, within the northeast of the nation, based on officers. Fifty folks have survived and 5 folks stay lacking.The small cargo ship sank Monday whereas it was illegally transporting 138 folks, based on a press release Wednesday by the Maritime and River Port Agency.Efforts proceed to recuperate the greater than 20 folks nonetheless lacking, mentioned the company.The Francia sank Monday morning about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the city of Soanierana Ivongo.“A flood in the engine room caused the massacre. Obviously, the boat had exceeded its loading capacity,” mentioned Maurice Tianjara, deputy director-general of the maritime company.ALSO READ: Flight MH370 pilot might have been on the management until the very finish, new revelations recommend