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Saudi crown prince in 1st go to to Qatar after embargo ended

3 min read

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s go to to Qatar marks his third cease within the area this week because the Saudi inheritor to the throne excursions the six U.S.-allied Gulf Arab states that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council. His conferences with Arab rulers are aimed toward fortifying the dominion’s alliances as rival Iran resumes nuclear negotiations with world powers.
His go to to Qatar is especially vital as a result of final 12 months presently the neighboring states had been within the midst of a diplomatic standoff that had frayed familial ties within the area, fractured the close-knit GCC and sparked churlish bars in state-linked media as accusations of hacking and damaging leaks swirled.

Angered over Qatar’s assist for Islamist teams just like the Muslim Brotherhood and its ties with Iran, the 4 nations of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt severed ties with Qatar in mid-2017, sealing their airspace to Qatari flights, shuttering Qatar’s solely land border and expelling Qatari residents. The transfer pushed Qatar nearer to Turkey and Iran, which rushed to assist the tiny-but-wealthy nation because it navigated the diplomatic assault.
The regional standoff concluded earlier this 12 months with an settlement signed by Arab leaders in Saudi Arabia. Ultimately, Qatar didn’t give into a listing of calls for the quartet had made, together with that it shutter its Al Jazeera information channel and handover needed Islamists residing in exile.
Rather, Qatar has emerged a strong mediator within the area. As host to the Mideast’s largest U.S. airbase, Qatar performed an outsized position through the U.S.-led evacuation from Afghanistan over the summer time and has performed a key position in facilitating contact with the nation’s Taliban rulers following the closure of Western embassies there.
Qatar can be effectively positioned to play a job in easing tensions between Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Prince Mohammed’s go to to Doha comes simply days after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was in Qatar for conferences. Relations between the 2 have been rocky because the 2018 killing of Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi within the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
Upon his arrival to Qatar late Wednesday, Prince Mohammed was greeted on the tarmac with an embrace from ruling Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

He arrived to Qatar from the United Arab Emirates, the place he shook fingers with Abu Dhabi’s crown prince and strongman earlier than their assembly. The formality of their greeting, in distinction to the embrace he obtained in Qatar after stepping off the aircraft, and the choice to make the UAE his second cease within the tour after visiting Oman spotlights the underlying tensions which have emerged within the Saudi-UAE relationship.
Despite a prolonged joint assertion expressing their dedication to financial prosperity and safety on the conclusion of the prince’s go to within the UAE, the normal allies have more and more divergent overseas coverage stances and are in a heated competitors for overseas funding and regional clout.The Saudi crown prince is slated to conclude his tour with stops in Bahrain and Kuwait.