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‘Gurudwara is for Gurbani only,’ Gurugram Gurudwara does a U-turn on Namaz invitation

4 min read

Taking a spectacular U-turn on the secular announcement, the Gurudwara Singh Sabha Committee of Gurugram on Friday (November 19) remarked that it’ll not permit Muslims to supply namaz within the compounds of the Gurudwara. A day earlier than, Sherdil Singh Sandhu, president, Gurdwara Guru Singh Sabha, had supplied the area to Muslims to supply their prayers following complaints by the native residents of Muslims hijacking public locations to carry out namaz.However, after the members of the Sikh neighborhood and the committee opposed Sherdil’s determination, the Muslims have been turned away. Reportedly, taking an entire 180 on his stance, the president of the shrine administration committee argued that the intention was by no means to offer away the area for prayers.Also learn: Hindus plaster cow dung muffins everywhere in the controversial Namaz spot in GurugramSherdil mentioned, “It was out of concern and brotherhood that I said that they can use our space to offer namaz. This is not possible in any way. How can we let our religious place get into any kind of controversy? Anyone it was can use Guru ka darbar in case of an emergency,”After worldwide headlines, floor actuality as revealed in HT in the present day:— Swati Goel Sharma (@swati_gs) November 20, 2021However, not everybody within the Sikh neighborhood sugarcoat the truth of the state of affairs like Sherdil. One native resident named Gurcharan Singh was quoted as saying by India Today, “People from all religions are welcome but there can only be gurbani in a gurdwara and nothing else. The property of a gurdwara cannot be used for any purpose which goes against the ‘maryada’ (customs) of Shri Guru Granth Sahibji,”Earlier, Sherdil in his announcement of opening Gurudwara to Muslims was quoted as saying by ANI, “It’s ‘Guru Ghar’, open for all communities with no discrimination. There shouldn’t be any politics here. Basement is now open for Muslim brothers who want to offer ‘Jumme ki namaz’”Gurugram’s Sadar Bazaar Gurudwara affords area for NamazIt’s ‘Guru Ghar’, open for all communities with no discrimination. There should not be any politics right here. Basement is now open for Muslim brothers who need to provide ‘Jumme ki namaz’: Sherdil Singh Sidhu Gurudwara president— ANI (@ANI) November 18, 2021According to ANI, Sandhu had additional mentioned: “If there’s an open space, Muslims should be allowed to offer namaz… and we shouldn’t fight over such petty issues. People who were offering namaz in open sought administration’s permission and those who had problem should have approached admin before attacking them.”Allowing Muslims in Gurudwara – the secular opium:Sherdil’s determination to permit the Muslims to supply prayers within the Gurudwara had introduced the whole left-liberal cabal collectively which began preaching Hindus about tolerance and the advantage of co-existence. However, the committee’s determination to backtrack on the choice inside a day has left the whole cabal with eggs on their faces.Reported extensively by TFI, the controversy surrounding Muslims hijacking public locations to carry out namaz has troubled the widespread residents of Gurugram for the higher a part of final two months.Gurugram police and its baffling habits:It all began in September, when a video went viral on the realms of social media platforms, the place native Gurugram residents have been seen pleading earlier than the Gurugram police to take away a gaggle of Muslims, hogging area on a public street, and providing namaz. However, turning a deaf ear to their pleas, the Gurugram police merely walked away.It later tweeted a baffling replace to scrub its fingers off the controversy, which it was pressured to delete. In the tweet, Gurgaon Police had remarked, “The ‘Namaz’ spots at public places have been decided by both Hindu and Muslim communities after mutual understanding and this place is one among them. Maintaining communal harmony and peace is our utmost responsibility and we will ensure that. @PMOIndia @cmohry @police_haryana”Tweet deleted— Swati Goel Sharma (@swati_gs) September 29, 2021Also learn: Gurugram Police’s surprising defence after a Muslim group performs Namaz in a public placeHindus retaliating:Sensing the police was not serving to their trigger, the Hindus determined to retaliate and just lately carried out Govardhan Pooja on the namaz web site of Muslims. On November 5, Samyukt Hindu Sangharsh Samiti organized the holy Govardhan Pooja on sector 12A street in Gurugram.Since the row in Gurugram started, the variety of websites designated for Namaz has come down from 37 to twenty now, indicating that the efforts of Hindus are bearing fruits. The Gurugram administration is slowly waking up.Also learn: Govardhan Pooja on the Namaz Controversy web site in Gurugram is Hindu resistance in its nascent formAccording to a report by NDTV, Gurugram authorities have informed the Muslims that the permission granted for namaz will likely be canceled if there are objections from locals. Earlier this month, permissions to supply namaz at eight of these “designated” locations have been canceled attributable to this very purpose, as increasingly more locals in Gurugram are standing up towards the unlawful occupation of public roads for spiritual functions.The Gurudwara president’s coronary heart might have been in the appropriate place to supply area to the Muslims, but when the love shouldn’t be reciprocated by the opposite neighborhood in the same method, the secularism rhetoric seems empty. The Gurudwara committee discovered it the laborious manner.