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Jhunjhunu DM Umar Deen Khan imposes part 144 to curb Diwali celebrations in his district

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For Jhunjhunu DM Umar Deen Khan, celebrating Diwali has the potential to break life and create a riot within the nation. If not, nothing explains his order meant to cease folks from practising their basic proper of celebrating Diwali.DM UD Khan bans crackers from JhunjhunuJhunjhunu, a comparatively unknown district in Rajasthan grew to become a centre of huge controversy when its district Justice of the Peace determined to outrightly ban Diwali celebrations within the metropolis by imposing part 144, an in any other case emergency provision on the eve of Diwali. The minutes of the ordered trace in direction of attainable Hinduphobia ingrained within the administration. The order prohibited bursting firecrackers from 10 PM to six AM within the metropolis. To forestall any likelihood of individuals illegally bursting crackers, the district administration additionally imposed sanctions on shopping for, promoting, and storing firecrackers within the metropolis.श्रीमान जिला कलेक्टर महोदय द्वारा वर्तमान परिस्थितियों एवं दीपावली त्यौहार के मद्देनजर कानून एवं व्यवस्था भंग होने तथा जनसाधारण की सुरक्षा एवं लोक शांति को खतरा उत्पन्न होने की संभावना के मद्देनजर झुंझुनूं जिले में दिनांक 01.11.2021 से 06.11.2021 तक दंड प्रक्रिया…….— Jhunjhunu Police (@JhunjhunuPolice) October 30, 2021In one a part of the order, the administration particularly targets Trishul (a logo of Bhagwan Shiv), sticks, and warned folks towards utilizing them of their properties. Targeting the taking part in of songs and Aarti for Mata Laxmi, the district administration merely put a blanket ban on taking part in of any audio cassette which can hurt different communities’ ‘feelings’.The administration was compelled to withdraw ordersA big uproar on the order erupted on social media in addition to within the district. BJP District President Pawan Mawandia stated in a press convention that the Collector has issued a Tughlaqi decree. He additional stated that both he takes it again or else they are going to be compelled to hit the streets. After going through extreme backlash from Hindus, the district administration issued a reformed decree eradicating virtually all of the restrictions within the authentic order.श्रीमान जिला कलेक्टर महोदय द्वारा दिनांक 28.10.2021 को दंड प्रक्रिया संहिता 1973 की धारा 144 के तहत निषेधाज्ञा लागू किए जाने के जारी आदेश निरस्त किए जाकर संशोधित आदेश पारित किए गए हैं।— Jhunjhunu Police (@JhunjhunuPolice) October 30, 2021Diwali-A pageant for advantage signalling celebrities to lecture Hindus on moralityAs quickly as Diwali approaches, Hinduphobic left-liberals begin to criticise the pageant for allegedly polluting the setting. While numerous research have been carried out which present the negligible impact of crackers on the general air pollution, the marketing campaign towards Hindus by no means appears to cease. The hypocritical celebrities who haven’t any qualms in bursting crackers on their very own celebration attempt to impose their self-righteous virtue-signalling ‘Gyan’ on Hindus.Read extra: ‘Roads are for traffic, not for burning firecrackers,’ says Aamir Khan on Diwali. Why he must shut up However, Hindus have learnt to present them the style of their very own medication and numerous celebrities have been uncovered by Hindus for hole arguments. This uplifting of forcibly imposed part 144 on Jhunjhunu’s inhabitants is a results of woke up Hindus being conscious of their rights and at last elevating their voices.