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‘Liberals’ can solely reside as slaves of Islamists, or they are going to be ‘cancelled’: Naseeruddin Shah is an instance

5 min read

On Wednesday, actor Naseeruddin Shah had launched a video criticising Indian Muslims who appeared elated on the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. Terming the celebration by Indian Muslims over the Taliban’s victory as harmful, Shah said that each Indian Muslim ought to ask himself whether or not he desires a “reformed, modern Islam” or the “barbaric values” of previous centuries. 
Shah even went on to say that his ‘Islam’ is impressed by Mirza Ghalib, which is non-political and ‘Hindustani Islam’ has all the time been totally different from the Islam that’s practised elsewhere and prayed that the Indian model of Islam doesn’t change a lot that it’s now not recognisable’
A message for the Talibani cheerleader in India.— Tejinder Singh Sodhi 🇮🇳 (@TejinderSsodhi) September 1, 2021
‘Naseeruddin not Muslim enough’
However, Shah, who’s often a favorite of Indian Islamists and so-called ‘secular-liberals’ for his anti-Modi stand, instantly was ‘cancelled‘. Islamists of all hues and range started condemning Shah’s condemnation, asking him to not preach what Islam ought to or shouldn’t be. Apparently, speaking about reforms inside the faith just isn’t Islamist sufficient for Islamists. Here are some samples:
Screenshots from Twitter Rifat Jawaid of the pro-AAP weblog Janta Ka Reporter even went a step forward and declared Shah as ‘not Muslim enough’ to discuss Islam, “because he is not a practising Muslim and he has no knowledge about some topics.”
Jawaid then went forward and clarified what “knowledge” he was speaking about. As per him, placing geographical tags on Islam is haram. Islam apparently is aware of no separate kingdoms or areas. Islam stays the identical no matter area. The Caliphate junkies of ISIS could be actually pleased with him.
The very thought of a Caliphate or international Islamic brotherhood relies upon the concept Islam itself is the supreme identification and its adherents needn’t oblige to another ethnic, regional or cultural identities. ISIS believes in it. The terrorism sponsors of Pakistan imagine in it and each different radical who has blown himself up for the sake of ‘Jannah’ or ‘Ummah’ believes in it too. Jawaid simply defined it in less complicated phrases.
Jawaid and Naqvi are simply two examples from the so-called ‘elite’, there are dozens of others who’re spewing venom on Naseeruddin Shah, declaring him unfit to problem recommendation and options, even accusing him of attempting to appease the Hindus. Just common ‘Ummah’ issues on Indian social media.
‘Swara Bhaskar not woke enough’
Swara Bhaskar was cancelled not too long ago too. She was cancelled as a result of she was seen following the Hindu rituals of Grih Pravesh. For a bit of ‘secular-liberals’, following the rituals of 1’s personal faith, if that faith is Hinduism, is haram. On the opposite, Hindus who overtly deride Hinduism, make Gaumutra jokes, eat beef and abuse Hindu Gods, are celebrated immediately.
Any Hindu who praises Islamic values and way of life is praised too. No matter what number of high-fives Swara had given to Islamists and ‘wokes’, irrespective of what number of Gaumutra jokes she had cracked, she was mercilessly cancelled the second she was seen following Hindu rituals of Grih Pravesh, below the steering a Hindu priest.
The feedback acquired so heavy that the actress needed to compensate her earlier put up with an explainer, that being Hindus doesn’t essentially imply being hateful, such is the ability of narrative setting.
Praying to my Hindu Gods & nonetheless don’t need to kill or lynch Dalits or Muslims, nonetheless don’t imagine in or apply discrimination, nonetheless imagine in social justice, Liberty & equality. Still can elevate my voice in opposition to injustice, hate & bigotry.Shockingly, it’s doable! 🤓💜✨— Swara Bhasker (@ActuallySwara) August 27, 2021
Anyone that deviates from the directive is ‘cancelled’
It isn’t just Swara and Naseeruddin. Not very way back, Naseeruddin Shah was seen spewing venom in opposition to the federal government of India in anti-CAA protests, instigating Muslims in opposition to a regulation that had nothing to do with them and didn’t have an effect on them in any method. He had been peddling the ‘Dara Hua Musalman’ narrative for years now. And but, the second he speaks about reforms, and warns in opposition to barbarism unfold within the title of Islam, he will get cancelled. It is a mandate, it’s an omerta. You observe the strict directive, or you may be cancelled.
Indian, and for that matter even the worldwide Left-liberal intelligentsia is a slave on the ft of Islamists. The exact same ‘feminists’ who cry hoarse over girls rights in liberal democracies promptly affirm that ‘Hijab is a choice’, the identical ‘liberals’ who proclaim themselves as champions of variety and inclusion, by no means dare to talk in opposition to homophobic legal guidelines in Muslim nations.
For Indian Islamists, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was ‘not Muslim enough’. Sagarika Ghose had referred to as him ‘bomb daddy’, ‘scholars’ had written articles about how the previous President and scientist was ‘too-Hindu-friendly’, Arfa Khanum Sherwani had requested why is he eulogised and so forth.
The similar Naseeruddin Shah was hailed and praised when he harped on how the Indian Muslim is the sufferer of injustice, hatred. He was celebrated when he requested anti-CAA protestors to agitate in opposition to the federal government. But the second he talks about reforms, he will get promptly cancelled. Despite being a profitable, celebrated actor, beloved everywhere in the nation, Shah had peddled the faux ‘I am afraid for my children” narrative and was hailed for it by the same Islamists and ‘liberals’ who right this moment cancelled him for talking about reforms.
Recently, IPS officer Najmul Hoda in an article in The Print, defined how the Indian Muslims and ‘liberals’ are trapped in a poisonous relationship. He discusses how the so-called ‘liberals’ stored Muslims confined to a sure mindset of denial, whitewashing over historic situations and making them imagine that they’re perpetual victims, thus binding your entire inhabitants in a psychological state the place they actively denounce reforms.
The cancellation of Shah is simply an instance of the bigger actuality that’s the ugly underbelly of the Global Left. It is “my way or the highway”. ‘Liberalism’ in India is about perpetual victimhood peddling, whitewashing and smokescreens.
It was evident when the ‘liberals’, apparently Swara included, have been enthusiastically equating the Taliban with India’s democratically elected authorities. Imran Khan the terrorism sponsor turns into a star for them, Sharjeel Imam and his separatist buddies are painted as victims however simply because he’s Hindu, Yogi Adityanath is all the time a villain. In the case of Indian ‘liberals’, all their mind, their thought course of, and talks of progressive ideologies lie firmly on the ft of Islamist radicals.