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Taliban teaming up with Jaish-e-Mohammad mustn’t come as shock

4 min read

Days after Kabul fell into the fingers of the Taliban, leaders of the phobia outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) met with the Talibs within the third week of August, reported ANI.
While quoting senior Intelligence officers, the information company reported that JeM sought the assistance of the Islamist organisation in ‘India-centric operations. The forcible takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, coupled with its current assembly with Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorists, has raised issues about cross-border terrorism. The Indian intelligence businesses predict an inflow of terrorists from Pakistan into the Indian Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
An official said, “We have ordered intelligence agencies to keep watch on social media. On August 24, we received input regarding the movement of two terrorists from Pakistan who are planning a grenade attack in Srinagar. All agencies concerned have been alerted for coordination. All states have been alerted to conduct security drills and keep anti-terror units on high alert.” However, issues about cross-border terrorism stay at an all-time excessive as Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid not too long ago referred to Pakistan as a ‘second home’.
Not to overlook, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Neelam Irshad Sheikh had claimed on dwell TV that the Taliban had vowed to assist Pakistan in occupying Kashmir. Although the Taliban had not too long ago said that Jammu and Kashmir is an ‘internal issue’ of India and that points with Pakistan have to be sorted via bilateral talks, the phrases of the Islamist organisation can’t be taken at face worth. At a time of such a geopolitical disaster, the meetup between the Talibs and JeM terrorists have introduced again haunting recollections of the previous. The two had co-ordinated within the IC-814 hijacking and thus their alliance isn’t a surprise in any respect.
The story of IC-814 Hijack, launch of Masood Azhar and formation of JeM
Twenty-one years in the past, on December 24, 1999, the Indian Airlines IC 814 carrying 178 passengers and 11 crew members from Kathmandu to Delhi was hijacked by Pakistan-based Islamic terrorists. The airline was hijacked by Harkat-ul-Mujahideen with the lively help and help of the Pakistan Army earlier than touchdown at Kandahar in Southern Afghanistan. At that point, Kandahar was the bottom of the Taliban authorities and was headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar. 
The hijackers demanded the discharge of 35 terrorists from Indian prisons, together with the dreaded terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar along with $200mn in money. However, Ajit Doval was in a position to convey the numbers down to three. On December 31, 1999, after seven days, the hostage disaster got here to an finish as India agreed to launch three of the highest terrorists together with Masood Azhar. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar.
After his launch, Maulana Masood Azhar regrouped his terror organisation, renamed his terror outfit ‘Harkat-ul-Ansar’ to ‘Harkat-ul-Mujahideen’ (HuM). A yr later, Maulana Azhar, with a renewed vigour, began a brand new outfit – ‘Jaish-e-Mohammed’ (JeM). Azhar was actively backed up by Pakistan Army, who supplied all the help. Even the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden and a number of Sunni sectarian organisations based mostly in Pakistan backed Azhar to arrange his new terror organisation.
JeM and its terror actions in India
Within a yr of its inception, Azhar’s Jaish-e-Mohammed launched a sequence of lethal assaults that just about introduced India and Pakistan to the brink of a full-scale warfare. On February 14, 2019, a minimum of 40 CRPF males have been killed in a ghastly act by a JeM suicide bomber in Lethpora in Pulwama. The terrorist, recognized as Adil Ahmad Dar, rammed an SUV laden with over 300 kg of explosives into the CRPF bus that was carrying the CRPF personnel. The CRPF convoy of 70 autos carrying over 2000 personnel was on the way in which to Srinagar from Jammu after the freeway opened for a technique site visitors after a number of days of closure because of heavy rainfall and subsequent landslides.
Jaish-e-Mohammad claimed duty for the assault and recognized the suicide bomber (fidayeen) as Adil Ahmad from Kakapora in Pulwama, who had joined the Jaish-e-Mohammed in 2018. They additionally launched a recorded video message of the suicide bomber. India had exacted revenge by decimating the Jaish terrorist camps at a hilltop in Balakot, Pakistan, 13 days later in a precision airstrike carried out by Indian Air Force.
On 18th September 2016, the nation woke as much as one of the crucial dastardly assaults by Pakistan. In the wee hours of the morning, at 5:30 AM, 4 closely armed terrorists believed to be from Jaish-e-Mohammed, attacked the Indian Army Brigade Headquarters in Uri, close to the Line of Control. The terrorists lobbed 17 grenades in 3 minutes killing 17 military personnel. Within simply 10 days, the Indian Army carried out unprecedented surgical strikes throughout the Line of Control (LoC), annihilating a minimum of 7 terror launchpads and inflicting heavy casualties on terrorists sheltered in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK). JeM was additionally the mastermind behind the 2001 parliament assaults.