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In shadow of Afghan assault, Biden and Israeli PM search to slender variations on Iran

3 min read

President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett looked for frequent floor on Iran at their first White House assembly on Friday, even because the US chief grappled with the aftermath of a lethal suicide bombing in Kabul throughout a chaotic US evacuation from Afghanistan.
After a one-day delay as a result of Islamic State assault that killed 13 US troopers and 72 Afghans, Biden and Bennett met to reset the tone of US-Israeli relations and slender sharp variations over cope with Iran’s nuclear program.
Tensions difficult relations between Bennett’s predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, who was near former President Donald Trump, and the final Democratic administration led by Barack Obama with Biden as his vice chairman.

But the assembly, the primary because the two males took workplace this 12 months, was eclipsed by Thursday’s assault exterior Kabul airport throughout a US withdrawal that has posed the worst disaster of Biden’s younger presidency.
“The mission there is dangerous and now it’s come with a significant loss of American personnel, but it’s a worthy mission. We will complete the mission,” Biden advised reporters after his one-on-one talks with Bennett.
US forces serving to to evacuate Afghans determined to flee new Taliban rule had been on alert for extra assaults on Friday.
In transient remarks to reporters earlier than they had been ushered out, each leaders touched on Iran, one of many thorniest points between the Biden administration and Israel.
Both leaders touched on Iran, one of many thorniest points between the Biden administration and Israel. Reuters
Biden stated he and Bennett had been discussing “the threat from Iran and our commitment to ensure Iran never develops a nuclear weapon.”
“We’re putting diplomacy first and we’ll see where that takes us. But if diplomacy fails, we’re ready to turn to other options,” Biden added, with out providing specifics.
Bennett, a far-right politician who ended Netanyahu’s 12-year run as prime minister in June, was anticipated to press Biden to harden his method to Iran and again out of negotiations aimed toward reviving a global nuclear cope with Tehran that Trump deserted.

Biden was anticipated to inform Bennett that he shares Israel’s concern that Iran has expanded its nuclear program however desires to provide diplomacy an opportunity earlier than taking a look at different choices, a senior administration official stated earlier, at the same time as US-Iran negotiations stay stalled.
Bennett advised reporters he agreed with Biden that there have been different choices if US negotiations with Iran fail but in addition stopped in need of figuring out the chances.
Bennett has sought to maneuver on from Netanyahu’s combative public fashion and as a substitute handle disagreements behind closed doorways between Washington and its closest Middle East ally.

But he has been simply as adamant as Netanyahu was in pledging to do no matter is important to forestall Iran, which Israel views as an existential menace, from constructing a nuclear weapon. Iran constantly denies it’s searching for a bomb.
The go to gave Biden a possibility to show enterprise as typical with a key associate whereas contending with the risky state of affairs in Afghanistan. His dealing with of the wrapping-up of the US army presence there after 20 years of warfare has not solely harm his approval rankings at house however raised questions on his credibility amongst each mates and foes overseas.