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Australia: Dogs shot useless to forestall volunteers from touring throughout Covid

2 min read

A rural council in New South Wales, Australia has shot useless canine ready to be rescued by a shelter with the intention to forestall volunteers from touring throughout Covid-19 restrictions, the Sunday Morning Herald has reported. According to the Office of Local Government, the Bourke Shire Council killed the canine to forestall volunteers from a Cobar-based animal shelter from touring final week.
“OLG has been informed that the council decided to take this course of action to protect its employees and community, including vulnerable Aboriginal populations, from the risk of COVID-19 transmission,” the watchdog’s spokesperson stated.
One of the canine was a brand new mom and as per the report, the animal shelter had needed precautions in place to move the canine safely. Moreover, Cobar has not seen any latest case of native transmission of Covid-19.
Animal rights campaigners have demanded a direct investigation into the matter. Lisa Ryan, Animal Liberation’s regional marketing campaign supervisor, stated, “We are deeply distressed and completely appalled by this callous dog shooting and we totally reject council’s unacceptable justifications that this killing was apparently undertaken as part of a COVID- safe plan.”
She said, “Council pounds are paid for by local communities, and it is clear that shooting lost and unclaimed dogs housed in these publicly-funded facilities falls far short of community expectations.”
A authorities probe has been launched into the matter. Meanwhile, huge protests have damaged out in Australia over the imposition of lockdown by the federal government. The Police on Saturday employed harsh measures, together with using rubber bullets and tear gasoline, to disperse crowds. Hundreds of protesters had been detained and 7 officers had been hospitalised on account of clashes.