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Amrullah Saleh: The new President of Afghanistan and its closing hope in opposition to Taliban

5 min read

After Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani fled the nation because the Taliban encircled the capital metropolis of Kabul, it was Vice President Amrullah Saleh who stood his floor and vowed to battle the fear outfit. Saleh has now declared himself because the nation’s ‘legitimate caretaker President’ and reached to the opposite leaders to help his trigger.Saleh took to Twitter to jot down, “Clarity: As per d constitution of Afg, in absence, escape, resignation or death of the President the FVP becomes the caretaker President. I am currently inside my country & am the legitimate caretaker President. Am reaching out to all leaders to secure their support & consensus.”Clarity: As per d structure of Afg, in absence, escape, resignation or demise of the President the FVP turns into the caretaker President. I’m at present inside my nation & am the authentic care taker President. Am reaching out to all leaders to safe their help & consensus.— Amrullah Saleh (@AmrullahSaleh2) August 17, 2021As reported by TFI, Saleh is at present within the Panjshir valley alongside Ahmad Massoud, the son of the late legendary anti-Taliban commander Ahmad Shah Massoud. Together the duo is launching an offensive in opposition to the Taliban. It is pertinent to notice that Panjshir Valley is the one area out of the Taliban’s palms, courtesy of its geographic ruggedness and likewise the truth that it’s fiercely guarded because the birthplace of certainly one of Afghanistan’s best sons.Recent experiences have said that Saleh and co. in a present of navy energy of their stronghold have claimed to retaken Charikar in Parwan, which, if true, will put them inside hanging distance of the huge Bagram airport advanced.The recapturing of Charikar may allow Saleh to land militia of Uzbek chief Abdul Rashid Dostum’s reinforcements from Uzbekistan. A strategically vital street passes by way of Charikar through the Salang Tunnel, which connects Kabul with Mazar-i-Sharif, the most important metropolis in northern Afghanistan and as soon as held by Dostum.Earlier, Saleh had vowed to by no means kneel in entrance of the Taliban. He tweeted, “I will never, ever & under no circumstances bow to d Talib terrorists. I will never betray d soul & legacy of my hero Ahmad Shah Masoud, the commander, the legend & the guide. I won’t disappoint millions who listened to me. I will never be under one ceiling with the Taliban. NEVER.”I’ll by no means, ever & not at all bow to d Talib terrorists. I’ll by no means betray d soul & legacy of my hero Ahmad Shah Masoud, the commander, the legend & the information. I will not dis-appoint hundreds of thousands who listened to me. I’ll by no means be beneath one ceiling with Taliban. NEVER.— Amrullah Saleh (@AmrullahSaleh2) August 15, 2021Late Ahmed Shah Massoud took on the Taliban when it got here to energy in 1996 because the chief of the Northern Alliance. The Alliance, a concoction of tribal leaders and warlords held out within the northern elements of Afghanistan in opposition to the Taliban greater than 25 years in the past.Under his command, the Panjshir valley stored the Taliban at an arm’s size. In the Nineties, he additionally grew to become the omnipotent defence minister in Burhanuddin Rabbani’s cabinet. He helped the US in its ‘war against terrorism in the region and was fondly referred to as Sher-e-Panjshir. Saleh considers him as his idol and thus he is not willing to throw in the towel just now.Saleh has made clear that he expects no help from the US after their tame surrender. He tweeted and asked the common Afghans to join the resistance, “It is futile to argue with @POTUS on Afg now. Let him digest it. We d Afgs must prove tht Afgh isn’t Vietnam & the Talibs aren’t even remotely like Vietcong. Unlike US/NATO we hvn’t misplaced spirit & see monumental oprtnities forward. Useless caveats are completed. JOIN THE RESISTANCE.”It is futile to argue with @POTUS on Afg now. Let him digest it. We d Afgs should show tht Afgh is not Vietnam & the Talibs aren’t even remotely like Vietcong. Unlike US/NATO we hvn’t misplaced spirit & see monumental oprtnities forward. Useless caveats are completed. JOIN THE RESISTANCE.— Amrullah Saleh (@AmrullahSaleh2) August 17, 2021An undated video of Saleh has gone viral on social media platforms the place he might be nuancedly seen dissecting the scenario if the US determined to desert Afghanistan. Even then, he had remarked that he won’t ever go away his nation and if the US leaves, it gained’t imply his battle will finish.“Let me tell you this, if the US decides to leave tomorrow, we have no influence in that. All we can do is to tell them our story, remind them of our objective, remind them of our common goal and enemy. But if they decide they go, it will be their decision.”“But if they withdraw, it doesn’t mean I will stop. We are very clear in that also. We will continue because we are from here. These mountains will remain, forever. These rivers will flow, forever. Yeah, it would be great to have them but if they leave, it won’t mean we will cease to exist,”Stalwart! @AmrullahSaleh2— Shaunak Agarkhedkar (@ShaunakSA) August 18, 2021After the September 11, 2001 assaults, Saleh — then part of the anti-Taliban resistance — grew to become a key asset for the CIA. The relationship paved the way in which for him to steer the newly fashioned Afghanistan intelligence company, the National Security Directorate (NDS), in 2004. As NDS chief Saleh is believed to have amassed an enormous community of informants and spies contained in the insurgency and throughout the border in Pakistan, the place Pashto-speaking brokers stored monitor of Taliban leaders.Before altering his Twitter bio to Acting President – Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Saleh had proudly written “spies never quit” and it’s all one must know concerning the character of the individual. Saleh is just not the hero Afghans deserve however actually the one they want of their bleakest second.