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UK: Woman hurls racist abuses at an Algerian on a practice, later says he had hurled insults at her

3 min read

A video has gone viral on social media whereby a lady named Hassina Ahmed (22) was seen hurling racist abuses and getting right into a brawl with an Algerian black man in a practice. According to a report by the British newspaper Daily Mail, the incident occurred on July 16, after the girl boarded a practice, at Basildon close to West Ham underground in London round 11 pm (native time within the UK).
In the video footage, recorded by the Algerian man, Hassina Ahmed is heard calling him a ‘f****** Algerian c***’. She additional calls the person a ‘n*****’ and threatens to stab him.
After the video went viral and netizens started calling her out for the racial assault, Hassina Ahmed, in her defence, stated that she was provoked by her Algerian co-passenger. She insisted that she was not a racist.
Hassina Ahmed stated she was miffed after the Algerian made sexual advances at her within the practice and requested for her telephone quantity. On studying that she was a Muslim, he additionally slut-shamed her for carrying revealing garments.
After rejecting the Algerian passenger’s sexual advances, she admitted she’d ‘lost the plot’ and was labelled a ‘wh**e’ for being scantily dressed.
‘What sort of Muslim woman are you? You’re exhibiting off your physique. You’re a wh**e’: Ahmed claims the person informed her
She was quoted by the British newspaper as saying: “He was giving me the eye when I got on the train and was trying to chat me up and asked for my number. I told him to leave me alone because I’m Muslim”.
“When I said that he started screaming at me. He said what sort of Muslim woman are you? Look at the way you’re dressed. You’re showing off your body. You’re a wh**e, you should be ashamed of yourself.”
This enraged her, stated Hassina Ahmed. “I became really angry and had to defend myself. I’m proud to be a Muslim woman and there’s nothing in the religion that says that we have to cover up. It’s nobody’s business how I dress.”
‘How can I be racist? I’m half black myself’
Reminiscing what transpired, Hassina admitted that she might have dealt with the state of affairs in a greater approach. Apologising for shedding her cool, Ahmed confessed that she was in an inebriated state when the incident passed off. However, she asserted that she was compelled to react the way in which she did.
“I was quite intoxicated by the time I got on the train. But it was the Algerian who got me really angry. I’m sorry that I got so worked up and lost control. I don’t usually drink that much and don’t plan to do that again,” stated Hassina additional asserting “How can I be racist? I’m half black myself. Do you honestly think that I would pick a fight with two random men on the train because I’ve got something against black people?”
Hassina knowledgeable that she lives in East London and that her mom is a Colombian whereas her father is a Muslim from Kenya.
She additional defended her actions saying that the video which went viral on social media was not the entire video. The man who filmed it solely recorded one a part of it, remarked Hassina.
When requested about repeatedly utilizing the contemptuous ‘n’ time period, she stated: “I didn’t mean it in a derogatory way”, including that her black pals ceaselessly used the phrase for one another, therefore she felt there was nothing offensive about it.
The girl complained that she has been receiving dying threats for the reason that video went viral on social media. Owing to this she needed to discontinue all her social media accounts, lamented the lady.
She revealed that she voluntarily went to a police station on July 21 (Wednesday) and that she has been requested to return subsequent week as soon as officers have seen the practice’s CCTV footage.
“I actually tried to call the police at the time of the incident last Friday, but my phone died. This whole thing has left me very down and depressed and I don’t even feel like coming out of my house anymore”, rued Hassina Ahmed.
Meanwhile, the British Transport Police confirmed that the case is being investigated.