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All Kerala districts to get dowry prohibition officers

1 min read

By Express News Service
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Women and Child Development Department has issued an order appointing Dowry Prohibition Officers in all districts. The function was earlier confined to only three officers on the regional stage. The resolution to nominate the officers comes within the wake of the High Court asking the federal government on the steps taken to forestall dowry-related atrocities, whereas listening to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by educationist and Secretary General of National Council of CBSE Schools Indira Rajan. 

The transfer is geared toward stricter implementation of anti-dowry act within the wake of accelerating atrocities towards ladies.According the Women and Child Development Minister Veena George, guidelines have been amended to nominate Women and Child Development Officers on the district stage as Dowry Prohibition Officers. First part of coaching has been imparted to the district probationary officers. 

The assist of assorted voluntary organisations have additionally been sought in helping the officers in dowry-related circumstances. An advisory physique on the district stage has additionally been deliberate. The Women and Child Development Department has additionally stepped up consciousness campaigns towards dowry. Classes on gender equality are additionally being carried out for college kids in affiliation with faculties and National Service Scheme (NSS), the Minister stated.