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2 min read

By Express News Service
PURI: Under the shadow of Covid, which prevented tons of and 1000’s of devotees from darshan of their beloved Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra on the Bada Danda (Grand Road) at Puri for the second yr in a row, the Trinity launched into its nine-day annual sojourn to Janma Bedi (start place) Gundicha temple on Monday.

The Rath Yatra was held amid tight safety and in strict adherence to Covid tips with out public participation. The pilgrim city was reworked right into a fortress with heavy safety and stringent measures to make sure compliance to the usual working process laid down by the federal government for Rath Yatra. The total rituals together with chariot pulling was accomplished greater than an hour and half earlier than schedule.

Rituals for the automobile pageant started at 4.30 am. The Trinity was escorted to their respective chariots in ceremonial Pahandi procession that began at 7 am and was accomplished by 9.30 am.Then Shankaracharya Swami Nischalananda Saraswati alongside together with his disciples went up the raths and provided prayers to the deities. At 10.40 am, Puri king Gajapati Dibyasingha Deb got here in a embellished palanquin referred to as ‘Mehena’ from his palace and carried out ‘Chhera Pahanra’ service.   

The servitors then mounted the Sarathis (charioteers), wood horses and ropes and the chariot pulling started. Taladhwaja, the chariot of Lord Balabhadra, was the primary to roll on at 12.05 pm adopted by Darpadalana of Devi Subhadra at 1 pm. Lord Jagannath adopted them  on his Nandighosha rath at 1.50 pm. The three chariots had been pulled with utmost management by the servitors and took 4 hours to succeed in Gundicha temple by 6 pm.Over 4,000 RT-PCR exams had been achieved for servitors, temple officers, police and mediapersons earlier than the pageant. Only these testing unfavorable for Covid had been allowed to take part within the occasion. As per the Supreme Court’s directive, solely 500 servitors had been allowed to tug one chariot.

As many as 65 platoons of police drive had been deployed for the pageant whereas curfew has been imposed in Puri city from Sunday evening until Tuesday evening to forestall entry of devotees to Bada Danda. All roads linked to the Grand Road have been sealed. Security personnel are conserving surveillance from the rooftops of homes and buildings situated alongside the Bada Danda.Shree Jagannath Temple Administration chief administrator Dr Krishan Kumar thanked folks of Puri, servitors, police, administration and all stakeholders for the sleek completion of the Rath Yatra.

RITUAL TIMELINE7 am: Commencement of Pahandi of Lord Balabhadra adopted by Devi Subhadra after which Lord Jagannath9.30 am: Pahandi procession accomplished 10.40 am: Puri King Dibyasingha Deb arrives in a embellished palanquin to carry out ‘Chhera Pahanra’12.05 pm: Taladhwaja, Lord Balabhadra’s chariot first to roll on Bada Danda 1 pm: Pulling of Darpadalana of Devi Subhadra 1.50 pm: Lord Jagannath rides his Nandighosha rath6 PM: The Holy Trinity reaches Gundicha temple