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Owaisi visits Masud Ghazi Dargah in Bahraich, BJP leaders name it an insult to Raja Suheldev

4 min read

All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM) chief Asaduddin Owaisi had within the final week visited the Dargah Sharif at Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh to pay obeisance to the Eleventh-century Islamic invader, Ghazi Salar Masud. Owaisi was in Uttar Pradesh to inaugurate his first occasion workplace within the state within the Bahraich district forward of the upcoming Assembly elections when he visited the Dargah.
While Owaisi didn’t overlook to pay homage to the Islamic invader, he didn’t go to to Maharaja Suheldev Memorial that has been laid in Bahraich itself.
BJP assaults Owaisi for insulting Maharaja Suheldev and hurting sentiments of Hindus
Owaisi’s actions miffed the members of the ruling BJP within the state, who accused the AIMIM chief of insulting Maharaja Suheldev, the Eleventh Century ruler from the Pasi neighborhood of Shrasvati, a kingdom which was positioned in present-day Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh. BJP additionally accused Owaisi of wounding the feelings of the Hindus, particularly these of the Dalit neighborhood who revere Maharaja Suheldev. 
Hitting out at Owaisi, Uttar Pradesh’s backward class welfare minister Anil Rajbhar opined that the AIMIM chief has damage the feelings of individuals by paying obeisance to the Islamic invader looted and destructed many Hindu temples and Maths and mercilessly killed 1000’s of Hindus in his fanaticism.
BJP chief slams Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party for allying with AIMIM
The Uttar Pradesh minister additionally slammed the Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party (SBSP), an estranged BJP ally, for stitching an ‘unholy alliance’ with AIMIM in Uttar Pradesh to tackle BJP within the upcoming Assembly elections. Anil Rajbhar stated that SBSP chief, Om Prakash Rajbhar, whose occasion worships Maharaja Suheldev, has ditched its ideology for energy. He stated that SBSP’s determination to ally with AIMIM has damage the feelings of the Hindu neighborhood. Anil Rajbhar furthered that the AIMIM and SBSP alliance is an insult to the backward Rajbhar neighborhood.
#UP Minister, Anil Rajbhar, stated that the #AIMIM & SBSP alliance was an insult to the backward Rajbhar neighborhood.”The visit of Owaisi to the dargah is an insult to Maharaja Suheldev, who is said to have defeated & killed Masud in a battle at Bahraich in 1034 AD,” he stated.— IANS Tweets (@ians_india) July 9, 2021
As the political debate over the go to of Owaisi to the Dargah Sharif at Bahraich continues, tell us extra in regards to the fanatic Islamic invader Ghazi Salar Masud alias Ghazi Miyan, who has been glorified as a ‘hero’ by Islamists.
The Islamic invader Ghazi Salar Masud
Ghazi Salar Masud, as per some mentions, was the nephew of barbaric invader Mahmud of Ghaznavi. Though Islamists eulogize Ghazi Salar Masud as a “martyr” who died combating the “kafirs”, the very fact is that Salar Masud was a fanatic who, beneath the tutelage of his uncle, Mahmud of Ghaznavi, drew pleasure within the rampant killing of Hindus. Masud in the course of the Eleventh century carried out mass conversions and execution of Hindus. He plundered and destructed Hindu temples and Maths together with the sacred Suraj Kund at Bahraich, as he went forward to beat varied components of India till Raja Suheldev lastly halted his creation.
Ghazi Salar Masud was finally killed by Maharaja Suheldev when the 2 engaged within the fierce Battle of Bahraich in 1034 CE. The battle was fought close to Chittaura Lake close to the present-day Bahraich metropolis in Uttar Pradesh.
In 1026 CE, in the course of the destruction of the well-known Somnath Temple, Mahmud of Ghaznavi was accompanied by his 11-year-old nephew Saiyyad Salar Masud. After the demise of Mahmud Ghaznavi, Masud invaded India in May 1031 CE with a 100,000 sturdy military. He had imbibed the fanatism and barbarism of his uncle.
His first navy battle was with Raja Mahipal Tomar of Delhi, which he conquered. From right here he marched into the higher Doab in the direction of Meerut whose ruler Raja Hari Dutt surrendered and accepted Islam. Continuing the collection of invasions, killings, loot and destructions, Ghazi Salar Masud finally conquered Multan, Delhi, Meerut and marched ahead.
After a number of kings had been defeated by him, another kings from Meerut, Badayun, Kannauj and so forth determined to ally with him as an alternative of combating in opposition to his mighty military. After conquering these locations, Masud had deliberate to invade Ayodhya, a sacred metropolis for Hindus. But to succeed in Ayodhya, his military needed to first cross Bahraich, which fell beneath Shravasti. During this era the Kingdom of Shravasti was dominated by Raja Suheldev.
When Raja Suhaldev turned conscious of Masud’s plans, he ready a counter-attack. He talked to kings of the neighbouring states, they usually collectively fashioned a big defence power in opposition to the invader.
Although the Suhaldev’s military needed to face defeat initially, the king motivated the troopers to struggle again with full power, saying that not a single foe shouldn’t return alive. After days of intense battle in 1034, Raja Suhaldev was capable of entice Salar Masud, and the Muslim invader was killed within the battle. According to legends, not one of the 1.5 lakh troopers in Masud’s military survived the battle and this halted the Islamic conquest of India for nearly a century.