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Bengali TV Actor Shruti Das Files Cyber Complaint After Being Shamed For Her Skin Tone

2 min read

Kolkata: Bengali TV actor Shruti Das has filed a cyber criticism with the Kolkata Police on Thursday after being always focused for her dusky pores and skin tone on social media. She mentioned that she had been shamed for her pores and skin tone for the final two years however reached some extent the place she couldn’t take it anymore because the assaults had been being increasingly private. She advised PTI, “Initially, everyone around asked me to ignore the trolls, and so did I. But it only got more vicious with time. I am in a steady relationship with the director of my first TV serial ‘Trinayani’, and the hate brigade, after getting to know that, has been making distasteful remarks, questioning my character and my talent. I thought if I take it lying down any further, it would only give them more reasons to continue with this hatred. Some of my seniors, who are now household names, have gone through similar predicaments for their complexion” The 25-year-old actor additionally tagged Kolkata Police on her Facebook publish as she revealed that she has taken the authorized motion towards the trolls. She wrote, “Finally I’ve taken a legal action.. Thank you Kolkata Police. Still people like her will bark that I know.”A senior police officer mentioned that they’re wanting into the matter. The officer additional added, “The cyber cell of the Kolkata Police has received an email from actor Shruti Das regarding the online abuse that she had been facing because of her dusky skin tone. The actor, in her complaint, has said she had been receiving such hatred since 2019. She has also attached screenshots of the social media comments.” Film and TV actor Parno Mitra mentioned that it was a matter of disgrace that individuals are trolled over their pores and skin tone in a rustic like India, the place the general public are brown. He added, “With the advertising world, media and film industries having glorified light skin colour for so long, it is but natural that this prejudice against skin colour still exists. Often, we are told to put on makeup in a way that would make our skin tone a few shades lighter. I usually avoid too much makeup.”