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IOC to broaden soccer rosters to 22 for Tokyo Olympics

2 min read

Olympic soccer rosters will probably be expanded from 18 gamers to 22 for the Tokyo Olympics, an individual with information of the change informed The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Teams can embody 22 gamers on squads, however should stick with 18 on group sheets for particular person matches, mentioned the particular person, who spoke on the situation of anonymity as a result of the change had not been formally introduced by the International Olympic Committee.
The change was thought-about due to the challenges groups confronted on account of the pandemic.
Olympic squads are usually restricted to 18 gamers plus 4 alternates. An alternate may be substituted for an injured participant, however the injured participant is just not allowed to return to the event.
Under the change, alternates at the moment are thought-about a part of the complete roster, however groups can solely make 18 gamers accessible per sport. Although particulars haven’t been made public, it’s presumed that groups won’t be able so as to add alternates past these already named.
Netherlands coach Sarina Wiegman was amongst those that advocated for roster growth. FIFA, soccer’s worldwide governing physique, appealed to the IOC.
The expanded rosters ought to give coaches extra flexibility throughout a decent Olympic schedule with restricted relaxation time between matches, in addition to anticipated warmth and humidity in Tokyo.
Olympic rosters differ from these allowed for the World Cup, which incorporates 23 gamers. Historically on the Olympics, an alternate might be introduced in for an injured participant at any time in the course of the event, whereas World Cup rosters are set as of the primary match and injured gamers can’t get replaced.
Wednesday was the deadline for international locations competing within the Olympic soccer event to finalise their rosters.
US girls’s nationwide group coach Vlatko Andonovski mentioned on Wednesday he anticipated some sort of change to the roster guidelines.
“We’re getting word from the IOC that we will have a little flexibility on the roster. We’re very happy about it, and as of right now we’re just waiting to see a little more details on what all the rules and regulations are going to look like,” Andonovski mentioned.
Because there had been earlier speak about utilizing expanded rosters, Andonovski mentioned he was making ready for that risk.
“Obviously we thought about about it, we were preparing in some ways for it if it happened, so we’re hoping to be ready if the changes are in place,” Andonovski mentioned.