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Swapan Dasgupta writes to NHRC about post-poll violence in Tarakeshwar

3 min read

In a letter to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Rajya Sabha MP Swapan Dasgupta submitted particulars of the post-poll violence in Tarakeshwar within the Hooghly district of West Bengal. The letter was addressed to Rajiv Jain of NHRC.
Swapan Dasgupta, who had contested the West Bengal polls from the Tarakeshwar constituency, knowledgeable the human rights physique that the residents of town have been subjected to continued atrocities by the ruling Trinamool Congress get together. He emphasised that the explanation for his or her persecution was their political affiliation to the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP).
Dasgupta identified, “The houses of BJP workers and supporters have been systematically identified, looted, and demolished. Several workers were brutally attacked while others threatened with dire consequences. Hundreds of people were rendered homeless and fled from Tarakeswar to save their lives. Some of these individuals are still unable to return home.”
Screengrab of the letter by Swapan Dasgupta, picture by way of Anindya
He added that a number of companies, belonging to BJP staff, have been shut down forcibly and that the ruling dispensation demanded ‘protection money’ for permitting them to earn their livelihood. He highlighted a complete of 9 particular circumstances, the place Trinamool Congress goons resorted to violence and vandalism. Two of the undisclosed BJP staff have been stopped and threatened from coming into their houses. The chamber of a BJP employee, who’s a physician by career, was captured and transformed right into a TMC membership. A Muslim BJP employee was prevented from providing Namaz throughout Eid.
According to Swapan Dasgupta, the home of an space General Secretary was vandalised. A BJP employee, who’s a automobile supplier by career, had all his vehicles damaged and broken by TMC thugs. The Rajya Sabha MP stated, “In this regard, I’m attaching a complaint earlier lodged with the Tarakeshwar Police Station on which no action has been initiated so far. The complaint contains a list of more than 260 victims of post-poll violence. It is neither complete nor exhaustive but should provide you with an adequate starting point for action.”
Screengrab of the letter by Swapan Dasgupta, picture by way of Anindya
He additional requested, “At the earliest convenience, I urge you to schedule a full committee visit to Tarakeshwar, to assess and sanction relief to the deprived. In terms of reference, the Committee should identify persons, prima-facie, responsible for crime and the officers who maintained calculated silence on the issue. Further, those who fled in fear of retributive violence ought to be able to return to their homes and places of business opened.” Swapan Dasgupta added that he will probably be prepared to co-operate and urged NHRC to behave on the matter with utmost urgency.
Post ballot violence in West Bengal
During post-poll violence, over two dozen BJP karyakartas have been reportedly killed. In a report submitted by the Group of Intellectuals and Academicians (GIA), it was talked about that those that suffered the wrath of TMC staff after successful the elections have been from marginal sections of Hindu society who had voted for BJP.
According to the experiences, girls have been raped, homes have been ransacked, outlets have been looted, and a number of other Hindu households migrated to neighbouring states to avoid wasting themselves from the goons of TMC. Multiple girls, of their testimonies to the Supreme Court, have revealed the brutal rapes, gang rapes and sexual assault in addition to different atrocities unleashed upon them due to their assist to the BJP.