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5-pronged technique wanted towards Covid: Health Secretary

1 min read

“Media is the most important pillar which has a social responsibility to inform and educate the masses in our collective fight against Covid-19. As the second wave stabilises and daily cases are seen to be declining across the country, the focus should be on vaccination and overcoming vaccine hesitancy,” Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan stated on Wednesday.
He was addressing a nationwide workshop organised by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in partnership with UNICEF, for media professionals throughout the nation, on the present Covid-19 scenario in India, the necessity to bust myths about vaccines and vaccination, and reinforce the significance of Covid-Appropriate Behaviour (CAB)
He added that as per the revised vaccination tips, vaccines are actually free for these above 18 throughout the nation and other people needs to be inspired to get vaccinated. The want of the hour is to comply with the five-pronged technique of Covid-Appropriate Behaviour, testing, tracing, remedy and vaccination.
Considering the dynamic scientific nature of the SARS-COV2 virus, vaccination and CAB, consisting of carrying the masks correctly, frequent hand washing and sustaining six ft distance stay a very powerful interventions to comprise the pandemic, he added.