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Geneva: Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin open summit with a handshake

1 min read

President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin are beginning their diplomatic talks in Geneva.
The two have been first greeted by the Swiss president earlier than sitting down for a small assembly that features simply Biden, Putin, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, with a translator for either side. They’ll then transfer to bigger talks, which is able to embrace extra senior aides and are anticipated to final hours.
The two plan to debate every part from cybercrime to Russia’s alleged interference in America’s elections, in addition to arms management and Russia’s intrusion in Ukraine.
The venue the place President Joe Biden will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, Wednesday, June 16, 2021, in Geneva, Switzerland. (AP)
Both sides have performed down expectations for any main breakthroughs, however each Biden and Putin have burdened the necessity to restore extra steady relations between the 2 nations.