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China hits again at G7 summit, says days of ‘small’ group of nations dictating international choices are lengthy gone

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China on Sunday asserted that the times when a “small” group of nations determined the destiny of the world are lengthy gone, hitting again on the leaders of the highly effective G-7 bloc who took a unified place on Beijing on points just like the Covid-19 origins, human rights violations and its mega Belt and Road Initiative.As the leaders of G-7 — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States — met in Cornwall in England the place US President Joe Biden made a robust bid to rally the allies towards China’s rising financial clout, human rights apart from its reluctance to agree for a probe into the Covid-19 origin, Beijing appeared defiant and agency, questioning the relevance of the bloc.Sunday’s name for a brand new research on the origins of Covid-19 got here weeks after Biden mentioned he had directed the US intelligence neighborhood to redouble their efforts in investigating the origins of the pandemic and report back to him in 90 days.Biden’s announcement got here after a US intelligence report discovered a number of researchers at central China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology had fallen in poor health in November 2019 and needed to be hospitalised. This new element has led to contemporary public stress on Biden to probe deeper into the origin of the lethal virus that has wrecked the worldwide economic system and killed over 3,797,000 individuals globally, together with greater than 599,600 individuals within the US.While there is no such thing as a direct response by the Chinese authorities right here in Beijing, state-run Global Times quoted assertion issued by China’s Embassy in London, rebutting G-7 criticism towards Beijing.Only one worldwide system led by the UN: ChinaAnswering a query on points coated by the G-7 Summit on pandemic response, economic system, commerce and international provide chains and US efforts to “seizing” the chance to bond with different Western nations to safeguard the “rules-based international system”, the Chinese embassy assertion mentioned there is just one system, the worldwide system, which is led by the UN.”We always believe that countries, big or small, strong or weak, poor or rich, are equals, and that world affairs should be handled through consultation by all countries,” it mentioned.”The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone,” it mentioned.”There is only one system and one order in the world, that is, the international system with the United Nations at the core and the international order based on international law, not the so-called system and order advocated by a handful of countries,” it added.To one other query that an announcement shall be made on the G7 summit on the supply of 1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine to nations in want, the assertion listed about what China has carried out together with offering free vaccines to greater than 80 creating nations exporting vaccines to 43 nations.We have delivered 350 million doses to international companions: Chinese embassy”We have delivered 350 million doses to global partners, more than any other country in the world,” it mentioned.”China is fully implementing the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative for Poorest Countries and has so far deferred repayment of more than USD 1.3 billion worth of debt. This is the highest deferral amount among the G20 members,” it said.While Biden’s efforts making headway to forge a consensus with other G-7 and EU countries came as a surprise to China, analysts here cautioned Beijing about the US successfully pushing its Build Back Better World (B3W) plan to counter Beijing’s multibillion dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).The BRI, a multi-billion-dollar initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping when he came to power in 2013, aims to link Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Gulf region, Africa and Europe with a network of land and sea route.Commenting on the B3W, Shi Yinhong, a US relations specialist at Beijing’s Renmin University, said that the US plan was “not excellent news for China”.”All of the said objectives of the B3W, described as a values-driven, clear and sustainable infrastructure partnership, are clearly focusing on China,” Shi told the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post on Sunday.The plan’s unveiling comes as the Biden administration reviews its China policy and steps up its alliance-based strategy to push back against China’s diplomatic and military assertiveness and alleged abuses over Xinjiang and Hong Kong.It also comes as the US economy bounces back from recession, with the United States and Britain making big gains in controlling the pandemic, the Post report said.Shi said the infrastructure plan and the US efforts to unite allies to confront China were the basis of the emerging Biden doctrine, which was essentially about winning the competition with China and showcasing the superiority of the democratic system.While it remained to be seen how the major Western powers would frame the threats from China, the divisions between Washington and its allies should not be overstated, said Pang Zhongying, an international affairs expert at the Ocean University of China.”This 12 months’s G-7 summit is of explicit significance to Western democracies as a result of it’s taking place at a important time after they need to work collectively to deal with the China problem in the midst of an arduous marketing campaign to hunt financial restoration and overcome the coronavirus disaster,” he mentioned.Pang mentioned Beijing ought to chorus from leaping to hasty conclusions that all the things on the summit was about containing China.”It is true that the US-led efforts will pose challenges to China, but it is equally important for Beijing to continue its efforts to improve ties with some of the US allies to avoid slipping into a new Cold War,” Pang mentioned.