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Thousands march in assist of Muslim household killed in truck assault in Canada

2 min read

Thousands of individuals marched on Friday in assist of a Canadian Muslim household run over and killed by a person driving a pick-up truck final Sunday in an assault the police described as a hate crime.
The 4 victims, spanning three generations, had been killed when Nathaniel Veltman, 20, bumped into them whereas they had been out for a night stroll close to their residence. A fifth member of the family, a 9-year-old boy, survived.
People in London, Ontario marched about 7 kilometers (4.4 miles) from the spot the place the household was struck all the way down to a close-by mosque, the location near the place Veltman was arrested by police.
People collect in Ontario on Friday following a multi-faith march towards the killing of 4 members of a Muslim household. (AP)
Some carried placards with messages studying ‘Hate has no home here’, ‘Love over hate.’ Similar occasions had been held in different cities in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province.
“The best part was not just the numbers … but the diversity of the people coming from every single community in London, coming together for this cause,” stated 19-year-old school pupil Abdullah Al Jarad on the march.
The assault sparked outrage throughout Canada, with politicians from all sides condemning the crime, spurring rising calls to take motion to curb hate crime and Islamophobia.
Veltman made a short court docket look on Thursday and can return to court docket on Monday. He faces 4 prices of first-degree homicide and considered one of tried homicide.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has referred to as the killings a “terrorist attack” and vowed to clamp down on far-right teams and on-line hate.