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Al Jazeera will get award from terror organisation Hamas for its information protection in the course of the current battle with Israel

3 min read

The Qatar-based media community Al Jazeera has acquired an award from Islamic terrorist outfit Hamas for its alleged ‘unbiased’ protection of the current clashes between the terrorist group and Israel Defence Forces.
On Tuesday, terror outfit Hamas launched a press release asserting that that they had honoured Al Jazeera information community for its protection of the current clashes on the Gaza and praised the Qatar-based media group for its protection of the “Sword of Jerusalem” battle.
The deputy head of the phobia outfit Khalil al-Hayya hailed the Qatari channel Al Jazeera for its ‘high professionalism’ throughout its protection of the “Sword of Jerusalem” battle and for demonstrating its affiliation with the reason for the ‘oppressed’ Palestinian folks. Hamas referred to the current clashes between Israel and Palestinians and the next terror assaults on Israel because the Battle of the “Sword of Jerusalem”.
Bestowing the award on Al Jazeera for its protection, Hamas deputy chief Al-Hayya added that they had been happy with the Al Jazeera ‘journalists’, who proved themselves to be the knights of speech and sacrifice in the course of the protection of the occasions.
Hamas praised Al Jazeera’s “high professionalism,” saying the community “demonstrated its affiliation with the cause of the oppressed Palestinian people.” “We are proud of the effective Al Jazeera crews,” Al-Hayya famous. (— Avi Mayer (@AviMayer) June 10, 2021
Terrorist Al-Hayya claimed that Al-Jazeera’s protection of the battle was ‘from the heart’ even because it confronted “great dangers” from the Israel Defence Forces and the Israeli occupation focusing on their headquarters in Gaza.
The Hamas terrorists additionally saluted Al Jazeera Arabic journalist Givara Budeiri, who was not too long ago arrested by the Israeli forces for instigating a crowd close to Sheikh Jarrah compound at East Jerusalem. The Hamas delegation additionally spoke to the director of Al-Jazeera’s workplace in Palestine and praised Al Jazeera’s protection in the course of the clashes.
The delegation included members of the motion’s political bureau, Khalil al-Hayya, Issam al-Daalis, Yasser Harb, and leaders Bassem Naim, Fawzi Barhoum, Muhammad Hamada and Hazem Qassem.
Al Jazeera’s hyperlinks with Hamas
It is essential to notice that Al Jazeera has been accused of supporting Hamas terrorists in Gaza, and in the course of the clashes, the Israeli Defence Forces had bombed the Al Jalaa constructing that housed Al Jazeera and different worldwide media retailers, together with the Associated Press in Gaza metropolis after they discovered that the constructing housed Hamas terrorists.
Following the counter-terror operations, the Israel army stated that Al Jalaa tower, which housed workplaces of main worldwide media retailers, was residence to a Hamas intelligence unit that operated a number of superior digital warfare gadgets meant to intervene with the army’s GPS reception, doubtlessly affecting guided IDF weapons.
A couple of days after the operation, IDF chief Aviv Kohavi had revealed that journalists, knowingly or unknowingly, drank their morning espresso alongside Hamas electronics specialists on the tower’s ground-level cafeteria.
Palestinian terror assaults towards Israel
The nation of Israel and the Hamas terrorist forces had been not too long ago locked in a fierce battle, one of many worst lately. What was triggered from assaults on Israeli policemen on the Al Aqsa mosque, quickly worsened to a army battle. Hamas had fired hundreds of rockets on Israel, focused civilians, and Israel had opened airstrikes towards Hamas within the Gaza strip. Several Israeli residents had been killed within the rocket strikes, whereas the Iron Dome blocked over 90% of rockets. The dying toll of Palestinians was a lot larger, contemplating that lots of of Hamas rockets landed wanting Isreal and fell inside Gaza.
In response to Hamas’s terror assaults, Israel had carried out its defensive counter-terror operations to get rid of terror threats emanating from Gaza. The Israeli military has struck extra Hamas targets within the coastal enclave after Hamas began focusing on civilians inside Israel. In a swift operation, the IDF additionally demolished a constructing that housed worldwide media workplaces, together with Al Jazeera’s within the Gaza Strip. The IDF has stated that the constructing was being utilized by the Islamic terror group Hamas, making it a legitimate army goal.