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Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala govt to start out vaccine manufacturing unit at Life Science Park

1 min read

Kerala Cabinet on Wednesday determined to provoke steps to determine a vaccine manufacturing unit on the government-run Life Science Park right here. A working group has been fashioned to conduct discussions with outstanding vaccine manufacturing corporations within the nation.  IAS officer Dr S Chitra was appointed because the mission director of the proposed scheme.
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan advised the covid-19 evaluation assembly that lockdown restrictions could be made extra stringent in locations the place check positivity fee could be very excessive. The well being division ought to be certain that the vaccine is run as per the prescribed dose. Covid-19 sufferers who don’t have isolation amenities at their houses could be taken to the covid care centres.
On Wednesday, Kerala reported 16204 covid circumstances. The check positivity fee for the day is 14.09.