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‘Mask up’ marketing campaign acquired assist from Shiv Sena, donated masks for the needy

2 min read

The capital police has launched a ‘masks up’ marketing campaign to curb the velocity of Corona within the state. Under this marketing campaign, measures are being given to keep away from the corona by distributing masks to the needy. Shiv Sena has supported this police operation. On Sunday, on the directions of Shiv Sena’s Chhattisgarh state chief Dhananjay Singh Parihar, state basic secretary Resham Jangade and district president Shashank Deshmukh met CSP Kotwali Anjaneya Vasanay and joined the masks up marketing campaign and supported the Shiv Sena. Presented masks for the comfort of policemen and others. Shashank Deshmukh mentioned that the social work is being finished by the Shiv Sena, finishing up social duties, by arranging blood by donating blood to the needy, participation in spiritual applications, meals grains to the needy.

Shiv Sena officers and staff are all the time prepared to offer all attainable assist to the and susceptible individuals of the society. Raipur District President Shashank Deshmukh mentioned that since not too long ago and final yr, dry rations for meals have been despatched to the individuals occasionally by Shiv Sena officers and staff. In the wake of the unfold of corona an infection within the rural areas, Shivsanikas are primarily distributing masks to the villagers, passers, shopkeepers of rural areas through the use of masks to make individuals conscious of masks and forestall the an infection of corona virus through the use of masks and themselves. People round are being made conscious to be secure. District Donors Shashank Deshmukh, Resham Jangde, Raj Verma, Akhil Dewan have been current within the masks donation.