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Black day noticed in black homes in protest in opposition to the farmers regulation of the middle

1 min read

Demonstration of farmers is happening with all of the three anti-farmer legal guidelines of the central authorities. In this episode, on Wednesday, below the banner of Kisan Mahasabha, farmers are protesting in entrance of their properties celebrating Black Day.

Farmer Paras Nath Sahu stated that our spirits haven’t fallen. The agitation has continued within the bitter chilly, scorching warmth, wet and wet climate in protest in opposition to the oppressive coverage and cussed perspective of the Modi authorities, till a choice might be taken within the curiosity of farmers. Today, protest is being performed by placing black flags in entrance of his home and tying black lace in his hand.

He alleged {that a} wing of BJP is making an attempt to mislead farmers on the Indian Farmers Union by failing to mark a black day within the identify of Buddha Purnima. This is a conspiracy of the BJP-RSS, which is being performed to discredit the peasant motion. The Kisan Sangh can be celebrating the beginning anniversary of Buddha on every of its fronts.