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Awareness marketing campaign of Sikh society began “Vaccine Lagwa Ji”

2 min read

The Sikh group Chhattisgarh has began an consciousness marketing campaign from Tuesday with the slogan “Vaccine Implemented G” to guard the Sikh households residing within the state from corona an infection. Mahendra Singh Chhabra, Chairman of Chhattisgarh State Minorities Commission and Convenor of Sikh Samaj Chhattisgarh and Executive Chairman of Gurdwara Station Road Raipur and Suresh Singh Chhabra, Convenor of Sikh Samaj Chhattisgarh, advised that the officers of our committee all by cellular of their areas of cost Sikhs are usually not asking households to ‘get the vaccine’, in the event that they or their members of the family who’re over 18 years of age have knowledgeable that they haven’t been vaccinated, then they’re being motivated to get the vaccine instantly. Convener mentioned that contact is being made on the idea of the entire details about the title, variety of members, telephone quantity, deal with and enterprise of the Sikh households of the complete state out there within the journal “Chanan” printed by the Sikh society Chhattisgarh. Besides, the officers of the Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee of all town villages, the zone in-charge of Sikh Samaj Chhattisgarh, Ladis Wing, Ladies Youth Wing, Youth Wing have additionally been requested to discharge their duties within the vaccination consciousness marketing campaign. Awareness marketing campaign is being performed by all of the Watts app teams of Sikh society, Facebook, Instagram, Tex message. Mahendra Singh Chhabra, Surendra Singh Chhabra, Niranjan Singh Khanuja, Inderjit Singh Chhabra, Gurmeet Singh Gurdatta, Tejinder Singh Hora, Mahendra Singh Saluja, Kulwant Singh Gumbar, Paramjit Singh Saluja, Bhupendra Singh Makkad within the implementation of the vaccination consciousness marketing campaign “Vaccine Implementation”. Played an essential function.