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India footballer CK Vineeth once more comes ahead to assist COVID-hit folks

3 min read

Known as a lot for his serving to nature as his expertise upfront, India footballer CK Vineeth has as soon as once more come to assistance from folks hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and is urging everybody to do their bit.
As a lethal second wave of the pandemic rages throughout the nation, Vineeth, utilizing his social media presence, has come ahead to assist folks of their hour of want.
“As a human being, I believe it must be in our nature to help others who are in need. Right now, I feel it’s important to step in and do whatever I can,” Vineeth, popularly known as CK, stated.
“Over the years we have now managed to construct a neighborhood of soccer gamers, administration workers, and supporters on social media, particularly Twitter, that has grown exceptionally sturdy regardless of all of the membership rivalry.
“I felt I needed to join in and help — in whatever small way possible,” the Kerala-based SC East Bengal striker instructed the All India Football Federation (AIFF) web site.

Friendly reminder that there’s by no means a fallacious time to sanitize your arms.
— CK Vineeth (@ckvineeth) May 5, 2021
Apart from the oxygen necessities, blood banks have additionally appealed to residents to donate earlier than they get vaccinated. And the nimble-footed winger has urged everybody to come back ahead and help on this drive.
“I believe it’s more and more necessary that those that can donate blood ought to accomplish that earlier than they get vaccinated. Amidst the second wave, there’s little doubt that there will likely be a scarcity of blood and plasma within the blood banks within the coming months, as increasingly folks in youthful age teams are all set to get vaccinated.
“The period after which a vaccinated person can donate blood is too long, and people need to understand that they can save lives by doing something as simple as visiting a blood bank,” he stated.
The ahead from Kannur had made headlines final yr when he was seen working as a volunteer at a COVID-19 helpline centre again dwelling throughout the nationwide lockdown.

What has my nation come to? People parading within the guise of leaders, preaching non secular hatred and bigotry in the course of a pandemic.
People are actually dying with out beds and oxygen, and so they can’t cease their propaganda.
No vaccine can save us from this!
— CK Vineeth (@ckvineeth) May 6, 2021
“I don’t consider it as social work. I consider it my duty as a citizen to give back to our community that has given me so much over the years,” CK stated
“Throughout my career I have realised that I don’t want people to see me as just a footballer, but also as someone who wants to make a difference and aims to affect a change in the mind-set of the community.”
He additionally urged everybody to come back and assist one another in each approach potential to assist them struggle the dreaded virus.
“What is going on on twitter is seen. But it’s additionally equally necessary that we care for individuals who could not have entry to social media.
“Whether it is by calling up one another just to check in on them, looking out for our elderly neighbours who may need help but are scared to venture out, or taking care of animals on the streets during the lockdown — there are so many different ways by which we can make a difference,” he expressed.
“In the football community, some of us have only a few thousand followers, while others have over a million, but the truth is that every single call made or a tweet posted or shared makes a difference,” he stated.
Vineeth additionally urged folks to talk up as and when crucial.
“If you spot someone not wearing a mask, tell them to. If you feel someone is making a wrong decision, let them know. The virus doesn’t discriminate between the rich and poor or the young from the old,” he stated.