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Haryana imposes recent curbs: All retailers to close by 6 pm from in the present day; ban on non-essential gatherings

5 min read

IN AN try and curtain the speedy transmission fee of Covid-19 throughout the state, the Haryana authorities imposed recent curbs on Thursday, and ordered that every one retailers would shut down by 6 pm hours from Friday (April 23) onwards, until additional orders.
The retailers can be allowed to open every day. The state authorities additionally banned all non-essential gatherings and made permission from the sub-divisional Justice of the Peace (SDM) necessary for holding any perform.
The curbs have been first introduced by state’s Health-cum-Home Minister Anil Vij who tweeted: “All shops will remain closed from 6 pm onward in Haryana from tomorrow, all non-essential gatherings are banned, anybody holding any function within prescribed limit will have to seek permission from concerned SDM.”
Later within the day, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar too introduced: “As a precautionary measure, the state government has decided to close shops dealing in non-essential items in crowded markets from 6 pm from April 23 onwards.”
An in depth order clarifying which retailers could be shut down and for the way lengthy was but to be issued by the state’s income and catastrophe administration division on the time of submitting this report.

Vij informed The Indian Express, “The shops can open daily, but will have to be shut by 6 pm daily. This step has been taken to avoid crowding in marketplaces during evening hours.”
Vij reiterated that the state authorities “was not thinking if imposing lockdown at this stage” and added that their precedence is to first “strictly implement the existing measures that we are taking to curtail transmission”.
With a number of states embroiled in a slugfest over the medicinal oxygen quota, Khattar, Thursday, mentioned, “Adequate arrangements have been made in the state to ensure uninterrupted supply of medicines, oxygen and other facilities to the patients suffering from Covid-19 infection.”
In a press release issued after chairing the Cabinet assembly, the CM additionally clarified queries concerning scarcity of oxygen provide in state’s hospitals: “Though some difficulty was reported in the supply of oxygen to Haryana, Delhi and other states from Panipat plant, the problem has been resolved. I have held a detailed discussion with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on this issue.”
“A roster has now been made for filling of oxygen cylinders and loading these cylinders onto trucks from Panipat oxygen plant. From now on, one truck will be loaded for Haryana and one truck each for Delhi and Punjab. This entire process at Panipat plant is being closely monitored by me,” he added.
“A total of 170 metric tonnes of oxygen was supplied to Delhi from 10 pm to 6 am today from the Panipat plant. Furthermore, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal had also received a call and expressed satisfaction for the supply of oxygen from the plant. The Panipat plant has a capacity of producing 260 MT of oxygen per day, out of which 140 MT is supplied to Delhi, 80 MT is supplied to Haryana and about 20 MT is for Punjab. Haryana is also supplied 20 MT from Bhiwadi plant in Rajasthan. However, yesterday there was some problem in the supply. Today, I shall talk to the Rajasthan CM,” Khattar mentioned.Responding to a query concerning the present standing of availability of beds with ventilators for Covid sufferers in hospitals throughout the state, Khattar mentioned, “The facility of beds has been made online in Gurugram and Faridabad districts. Besides this, around 500 beds have been arranged at SGT Medical College, Gurugram, 150 beds are being arranged in the industrial area and 50 more beds have been arranged, today. Indian Army has also taken the initiative of helping the state. DRDO is making arrangement of 500 beds each in Panipat and Hisar for Covid patients. Apart from this, talks are also being held with the Army Commander, Western Command, Chandimandir and efforts are being made to ensure availability of doctors and other facilities by the Army.”
Responding to a information merchandise printed in an English every day concerning losing of vaccine doses, Khattar mentioned, “The news is baseless. In Haryana, wastage of Covid vaccine is only 1.5 per cent, which is within the prescribed limit. Once a dose is opened for vaccination, only 20-40 injections are utilised. Sometimes because of difference in number of doses opened and administered also becomes a reason for wastage.”Responding to a query concerning blackmarketing of Remedesivir injection, Khattar mentioned, “1000 Remedesivir injections were supplied in government hospitals till yesterday and the supply will be further increased in government hospitals. However, private hospitals are making arrangement for this injection at their own levels. There is a need to create awareness in society. Even in an pandemic-like situation, if someone is doing blackmarketing, strict action will be taken against those involved in this crime.”
Talking in regards to the charges mounted for ventilator-beds in personal hospitals, Khattar mentioned, “As per the infrastructure facilities offered in private hospitals, the charges of ventilator beds are fixed from Rs 8000 to Rs 18,000. If a hospital charges more than this, strict action will be taken against it, provided any complaint in this regard is received.”
Khattar reiterated that there could be no lockdown in Haryana and industrial models could be allowed to perform. “This time because of the ongoing pandemic, no industrial unit would be shut down. However, industries which are running their operations in congested areas will be asked to follow the prescribed Covid protocols while carrying out their operations.”

He added, “Covid guidelines have been issued for wedding ceremonies and other social programmes. As per the guidelines, a gathering of upto 50 people is allowed inside a marriage palace, while in outdoor venues, the gathering limit should be only 200 persons. Similarly, a gathering of only 20 persons is allowed for cremation.”
On April 21, the state had recorded its largest single-day spike each by way of new infections and fatalities by reporting 9,623 new infections and 45 deaths.
The state authorities Thursday additionally modified its educational calendar and introduced summer time holidays in all authorities and personal faculties until May 31.
“In view of the prevailing conditions due to pandemic, the state government has decided to change the academic calendar of the session 2021-22. Accordingly, summer vacations in all the government as well as private schools have been declared w.e.f. April 22 to May 31,” an order issued by Dr J Ganesan, particular secretary (faculty training division) learn.