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‘Governance failure in UP’: Priyanka slams Yogi govt’s response to Covid-19 second wave

3 min read

Alleging a failure of governance in Uttar Pradesh within the face of the Covid-19 second wave, Congress chief Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has stated the Yogi Adityanath dispensation lengthy ceased to behave as a protector and help system for the individuals within the state, and has more and more assumed the function of an “aggressor”.
In an interview with PTI, the Congress basic secretary in-charge Uttar Pradesh additionally stated the dealing with of the Covid-19 pandemic was merely one other reflection of the UP authorities’s “arrogant, autocratic and inhuman attitude” in the direction of the individuals of the state.
Her remarks got here amid a steep rise in coronavirus circumstances, with the Uttar Pradesh authorities saying that the state had registered 33,214 contemporary circumstances and 187 deaths on Wednesday, each the very best day by day rise to this point.
Asked in regards to the grim Covid-19 scenario within the state, Priyanka Gandhi stated the basic concern is that the federal government in UP has lengthy ceased to behave as a protector, facilitator and a help system for the general public.
“It (the state government) has increasingly assumed the role of an aggressor. The handling of the Covid pandemic is simply another reflection of its arrogant, autocratic and inhuman attitude towards the people of UP,” she stated.
The largest failure has been in governance as there was no planning, no preparation and no foresight by any means, the Congress chief alleged.
“Countries all over the world faced a second wave — what did we learn from them? How did we use the gap between the first and second wave to prepare UP for what was inevitably going to come?” Priyanka Gandhi requested.
The UP authorities’s personal sero-survey outcomes confirmed 5 crore individuals had been uncovered to the virus which was indicative of a second wave coming, she stated.
“The government was advised to exponentially ramp-up testing. What happened? They reduced overall testing, switched to upto 70 per cent antigen testing and ignored their own sero-survey reports,” she stated, hitting out on the state authorities.
Rather than placing each single useful resource into saving lives and combatting the pandemic, the UP authorities remains to be losing time and assets on “covering up” the reality, Priyanka Gandhi alleged.
“The government has let people down. Their incompetence and lack of clarity is exacting an unprecedented human cost that no one should ever have had to pay,” she stated.
On the alleged lack of preparation to take care of the second wave, she stated, “How else can the Chief Minister and his government explain that despite having months of time between one wave and the other, no effort was made to increase UP’s capacity for hospital beds, for oxygen or for the availability of Covid medication.”
“How else can they justify the number of hurdles they have placed before the public as it suffers through the horrors of the pandemic?” she requested.
Priyanka Gandhi additionally requested the place else on the planet does one want approval from the district medical officer or the district Justice of the Peace to get right of entry to a hospital in the midst of a devastating pandemic.
“It is unheard of. How can the government justify that only 30 per cent of the testing being done in UP is RT-PCR and 70 per cent is antigen testing? Reports from across the state are coming in that private labs are being verbally instructed not to test,” she stated.
“What kind of governance is this?” she added.
The UP authorities has been rejecting criticism by opposition events on its dealing with of the Covid-19 scenario.

Priyanka Gandhi had earlier accused the Uttar Pradesh authorities of hiding coronavirus figures and stated had they been cautious from day one, individuals wouldn’t have witnessed such instances.
Earlier this week, she had slammed the “red-tapism” in Uttar Pradesh, alleging that lives had been misplaced as a result of Covid-19 sufferers wanted permission from the district chief medical officers to get admission in hospitals.

In a letter to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, the Congress basic secretary had urged the creation of a database of accessible hospitals and beds so that individuals can search admission immediately.
Priyanka Gandhi had additionally flagged the problem of oxygen availability, saying she had been advised that individuals want permission from the district Justice of the Peace for hospital admission. She had referred to as for removing of all such guidelines inflicting difficulties for households of sufferers.