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After criticism, Joe Biden says he’ll increase US cap on refugee admissions

2 min read

President Joe Biden stated on Saturday he’ll increase the cap on the variety of refugees admitted this 12 months to the United States, a day after he drew criticism from Democratic lawmakers for agreeing to maintain the traditionally low determine in place.
Biden signed an order on Friday extending a 15,000 refugee admissions cap issued by his predecessor Donald Trump via the tip of September. In signing the order, Biden shelved a plan introduced in February to extend the cap to 62,500.
Biden informed reporters in Delaware on Saturday after taking part in golf that he would transcend the 15,000 restrict.
“We are going to increase the number. Problem was the refugee part was working on the crisis that ended up at the border with young people. We couldn’t do two things at once, so now we are going to raise the number,” he stated.
With Biden being criticized by lawmakers and refugee advocacy teams, White House press secretary Jen Psaki stated Friday that he deliberate to “set a final, increased refugee cap for the remainder of this fiscal year by May 15.”
Biden’s order to restrict admissions to fifteen,000 was a blow to advocacy teams that wished the Democratic president to maneuver swiftly to reverse the refugee insurance policies of the Republican Trump, who had set the determine partially as a method to restrict immigration.
The program for admitting refugees is distinct from the asylum system for migrants. Refugees should be vetted whereas nonetheless abroad and cleared for entry to the United States, not like migrants who arrive at a US border after which request asylum.
Biden’s cautious strategy seems to have been tied to issues over the optics of admitting extra refugees at a time of rising numbers of migrants arriving on the US-Mexico border, and to not desirous to look “too open” or “soft,” one other US official with data of the matter beforehand informed Reuters.
Psaki stated on Friday that Biden’s “initial goal of 62,500 seems unlikely … given the decimated refugee admissions program we inherited.”

Republicans have blamed Biden for the state of affairs on the border, faulting his strikes to reverse different Trump-era hardline immigration insurance policies.

Biden took workplace aiming to set a brand new course for US immigration coverage, together with a extra compassionate strategy. But his preliminary choice to depart in place the caps went in opposition to his guarantees as a candidate.