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If it ever occurs it would be my honor: Dwayne Johnson responds to ballot supporting his bid for US presidency

2 min read

LOS ANGELES: Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson says if he ever will get elected because the president of the US it could be an honor for him to serve the individuals of the nation.

Johnson’s feedback are available in response to a ballot suggesting that just about half of the Americans can be eager to see him launch a presidential bid.

In a put up to Instagram, the WWE wrestler-turned-actor shared an article that includes the quote: “At least 46 percent of Americans would support a presidential run from Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson”.

“Humbling. I don’t think our Founding Fathers EVER envisioned a six-four, bald, tattooed, half-Black, half-Samoan, tequila drinking, pick up truck driving, fanny pack wearing guy joining their club, but if it ever happens it’d be my honour to serve you, the people,” Johnson wrote.

The ballot, from market dice platform Piplsay, requested 30,138 people their opinion on which celebrities they want to see as president; with Johnson polling nicely as the long run contender for White House.

This shouldn’t be the primary time the actor has expressed his need to run for the president’s chair.

In 2017, Johnson had stated that he was “seriously considering” a presidential bid.

A number of months in the past, throughout a press occasion for NBC sitcom “Young Rock”, the motion star stated he “would consider a presidential run in the future if that’s what the people wanted.”

On the work entrance, Johnson has just lately began taking pictures for New Line/DC’s “Black Adam” film.