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Prince William And Kate Middleton Caught Flouting England’s COVID-19 ‘rule Of Six’

2 min read

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were caught flouting England’s new coronavirus restrictions on December 22 as they assembled outdoor with at least nine people violating “rule of six” on a festive-themed luminated trail walk. The royals were photographed by UK’s Daily Mail newspaper as Prince William walked with his wife Kate Middleton and their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. He was accompanied by Prince Edward, his wife Sophie, and their two children. The large group was seen outside the British Queen’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk, according to the Daily Mail report. 

Earlier, Prince William and Kate Middleton were condemned for travelling on a three-day cross-country London to Norfolk rail journey despite the pandemic Tier 4 rules activated.  With the new variant of the coronavirus detected across England and London recently, stringent measures have been adopted by the UK government to suppress the 70 percent more contagious strain of the virus. The county on the east coast of England, Norfolk has been put under the Tier 2 rules, allowing only six from two different households to meet outside. This includes children of any age group.

The royals attracted flak for congregating amid the festivities and flouting government’s COVID-19 restriction in dire times when at least 40 countries shut their travel with the UK. According to sources of Daily Mail, the two families were given different slots to visit Luminate Sandringham, which is a scenic Christmas trail that offers holiday stalls, food, and drink, games, fire pit display, etc. However, the families decided to show up at the same time, disregarding Boris Johnson’s COVID-19 restriction called “Rule of Six.”  Meanwhile, in response to the report, the Royal family and Sandringham sources defended the couple to the UK newspaper, saying that adhering to the social distancing norm between the relatives was difficult, especially when there were children. During their 90-minute walk, it was a challenge for the two families to keep apart as the kids mingled at some moments.