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Chief Minister Shri Chouhan planted maulashree plant

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Chief Minister Shri Chouhan planted Maulashree plant Bhopal: Saturday, April 10, 2021, 14:10 IST Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan planted Maulashree plant in Smart Garden immediately. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan mentioned that each citizen ought to plant saplings. It could be very helpful for the survival of earth. Importance of Maulashree Maulashree is a medicinal tree. It has been utilized in Ayurveda for hundreds of years. Its shiny inexperienced leaves captivate the gorgeous texture of the tree. An individual affected by complications will get a number of reduction if he applies the extracts of molashri on his head. It can also be used to dry a wound. Mix peepal, honey and ghee in decoction of bark of molashri and hold it within the mouth for a while, it ends tooth ache. The shaking of the bark stabilizes the shaken tooth. Ashok Manwani