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Setback for UDF marketing campaign as Kochi candidate Tony Chammany exams optimistic for COVID-19

1 min read

By Express News Service
KOCHI: In a setback to the UDF’s election marketing campaign, Tony Chammany, its candidate from the Kochi constituency, has examined optimistic for COVID-19. Chammany, a former mayor of Kochi, is pitted in opposition to Okay J Maxi, the sitting MLA of the CPM, within the constituency.

It was Chammany himself who took to Facebook to announce the information. “After Wednesday’s campaign, I felt some discomfort. At the hospital, I underwent a Covid test. The doctors informed me that I am Covid-19 positive. I am now admitted to Medical Trust Hospital. Need your prayers. My close contacts should be more cautious. In my absence, I request my party workers to carry forward the campaign. Together, we shall overcome,” wrote Chammany.

Kochi, which has been a UDF fort, favoured the LDF in 2016 when Maxi received by a slim margin of 1,086 votes defeating Dominic Presentation of the Congress.

Chammany’s COVID-19 an infection comes at a time when studies from the bottom indicated a slight edge for him. It stays to be seen how his momentary departure from the battlefront on the fag finish of the marketing campaign will have an effect on the UDF’s prospects.