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We will never forget the cowardly attack on our Parliament: PM Modi

1 min read

Narendra Modi today remembered all those who lost their lives during the Parliament attack in 2001.

We will never forget the cowardly attack on our Parliament on this day in 2001. We recall the valour and sacrifice of those who lost their lives protecting our Parliament. India will always be thankful to them,said Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

A function to pay floral tributes to martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the 2001 terrorist attack on Parliament will be held at the Parliament House today, an official statement said on Friday.

According to officials, the function will be held on December 13 at 10:30 am.

On December 13, 2001, five heavily-armed terrorists belonging to terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), stormed the Parliament complex in New Delhi and opened fire indiscriminately.

Around 14 people, mostly security forces and one civilian, were killed in this incident.

The incident took place around 40 minutes after Parliament was adjourned and about 100 members were present in the building